Developing a simulated Doctoral nursing practice evidenced based practice and project professional leadership capacity project

NOTE: This assignment must use the provided Paper Template, which is found in this link: Assignment Paper TemplateLinks to an external site.

The purpose of this two-part paper is to develop a hypothetical or simulated DNP practicum project and explain how you will lead it.

For the assignments, students must simulate from experience a realistic clinical problem in a hypothetical practicum project clinical site, invent the probable gap in practice that would cause the problem, and conduct a simulated practice gap assessment in the imaginary clinical practicum project site. It may be possible to use evidence that you have already collected in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool created in NR-716. (NOTE: Use the table provided in this template or include the completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.)

The purpose of Part 1 of this two-part assignment is to:

identify a hypothetical practice problem based on a simulated organizational needs assessment,
identify the causative gap in practice,
formulate a practice question to guide a quality improvement project
determine a leadership approach to address interprofessional collaboration
This assignment will allow for the assimilation of professional leadership competencies in project management as a DNP-prepared nurse. Assignment content supports professional formation, communication, and dissemination skills relevant to the DNP-prepared nurse.

This is the first part of a 2-part assignment submitted in Weeks 3 and 7 on the same template. You will receive corrective feedback from your course faculty on the Week 3 assignment that you will correct on the template to complete the Week 7 assignment.

NOTE: Both Week 3 and Week 7 assignments should be discussed in relation to a hypothetical or simulated DNP practicum project. **

**No actual DNP practicum project will be approved for implementation until the second practicum course, NR-705 Project & Practicum II

For the Week 3 and Week 7 assignments in NR-703, students must fabricate from experience a realistic clinical problem in a hypothetical practicum project clinical site, invent the probable gap in practice that would cause the problem, and conduct a simulated practice gap assessment in the imaginary clinical practicum project site. It may be possible to use evidence that you have already collected in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool created in NR-716. Use the table provided in this template or include the completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.

Complete the simulated Table 1: Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification on a simulated healthcare organization of your choice. The table is already attached as Table 1 in the assignment templateLinks to an external site.:
NOTE: Both the Week 3 and the Week 7 assignment papers in NR-703 will be completed using this required template.
Complete the following sections of the template as directed in APA format:
Introduction (1st paragraph of the template): Skip this section of the template. The introduction will be completed in Week 7.
Using the information that you gathered on the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1), describe the practice problem by explaining these elements:
Describe a specific location (hospital unit, community health clinic, surgical suite, primary care practice).
Identify the location (unit, clinic, etc.) and its key stakeholders (decision makers).
Explain the practice problem as would be identified by the stakeholders and ensure that it is realistic, practical, small in scope, and can be managed by you as if it were an actual 8-week project.
Practice Gap
Ensure a thoroughly completed Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification Table is completed in the template.
In 1-2 organized paragraphs, summarize your findings in Table 1, the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification. Ensure the table remains after the reference list in the template, starting on its own page with the heading Table 1.
Practice Question
Define and briefly explain the project’s intended population, evidence-based intervention, and measurable outcomes (PICOT). Use the bulleted list in the template to provide your descriptions:
Describe the specific characteristics of the population that is the focus of the intervention, including the simulated unit, clinic, or healthcare location you have chosen.
Citing evidence listed in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (Table 2), provide 1-2 sentences explaining what the intervention or intervention bundle should be from the evidence in Table 2; cite “see Table 2” in this section to refer the reader to the evidence. There should be at least three (3) references listed in Table 2 for this assignment that explicitly support the intervention and/or the outcome (and its measurements).
State “compared to current practice” for this assignment. You should briefly state the current practice here but not in the PICOT practice question itself.
Create and explain specific outcome measurements based on the current evidence you have collected in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (attached as Table 2). The source can be the same one used to support the intervention as long as it speaks to measurable outcomes. There should be at least three (3) references listed in Table 2 for this assignment. (NOTE: Use the table provided in this template or include the completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.)
Time frame for the project implementation (Practicum projects are typically eight weeks long).
State the Practice Question
Example: (P) For the critical care team in X hospital’s ICU, (I) does the implementation of the medical sepsis protocol (C) compared to the current practice (O) reduce the incidence of medical sepsis diagnoses in ICU patients as measured before and after the intervention (T) over eight weeks?
Under the template’s level 1 heading, “Leading the Practice-Change Project,”
Complete the first section only, Interprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams. Create your approach to implementing your hypothetical practice change project with an interprofessional team, including how you will create a project environment of mutual respect and shared values and facilitate team roles and flexibility to perform effectively in the project.
The remaining sub-sections in “Leading the Practice-Change Project” will be completed in Week 7.
Skip this section of the template. The conclusion will be completed in Week 7.
Complete the reference page on the Assignment Paper TemplateLinks to an external site.
Ensure each reference has a matching citation and is formatted as required by the APA manual/Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers
Include at least three (3) scholarly references at a minimum (those listed in the Johns Hopkins Table). Other references should be added to the reference list to support your assertions. (NOTE: Use the table provided in this template or include the completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.)
Complete Tables 1 & 2 in the Assignment Paper Template after the reference list.
Table 1, the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification is in the template in its proper position
Table 2, the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool, should include a minimum of three [3] project sources that are research or systematic review references.
Tables 1 and 2 are referred to in your paper, and Table 1 is cited before Table 2 so that they are mentioned in the correct order.
NOTE: Use Table 2 provided in this template or include the completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.
Table 1

Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification

See Table 1 after the References in the assignment templateLinks to an external site..

Table 2

Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool–4th Edition

See Table 2 after Table 1 in the assignment templateLinks to an external site.. (NOTE: Use Table 2 provided in this template or include the completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment).

Review the rubric below for the grading criteria.

APA Guidelines
Use the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Manual) and the Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers: Graduate Programs (located in the Canvas Resources menu under the Writing Center) to complete this assignment. Follow these guidelines when completing each component. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Use the NR-703 Assignment Paper Template to complete this assignment.
Table 1: Use the table provided in the template.
Table 2: Use the table provided in this template or include the completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.
Turn on Grammarly to check the correctness of the grammar and punctuation as you write. Note: if you have not done so, please download the free version at before constructing the assignment.
The title page is in Chamberlain DNP Program format, and
The length of the paper adheres to the paragraph/sentence recommendations in the template.
The title remains “Simulated DNP Evidence-based Project and Professional Leadership Capacity,” as displayed on the template title page and 1st page of the paper.
Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure (APA style & Grammarly):
No spelling errors or typographical errors.
Word meanings are accurate (American dictionary meanings).
Sentences are complete, and paragraphs are organized according to the section criteria and the CARE Plan.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
The provided template is used: Assignment Paper TemplateLinks to an external site.
Length: Adhere to the paragraph requirements of the template.
1-inch margins
Double-spaced pages
12-point Times New Roman
Headings & subheadings as they are on the template
In-text citations
Title page
Reference page
Standard English usage and mechanics
CARE Plan paragraph development structure
Table 1: Fill out the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification in the template.
Table 2: Use the table provided in this template or include the completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.
Program Competencies
This assignment enables the student to meet the following program competencies:

2. Applies organizational and system leadership skills to affect systemic changes in corporate culture and to promote continuous improvement in clinical outcomes. (PO 6)

4. Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve health care. (POs 6, 7)

6. Creates a supportive organizational culture for flourishing collaborative teams to facilitate clinical disease prevention and promote population health at all system levels. (PO 8)

Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

Compare and contrast theories of organizational behavior and leadership. (PCs 2, 4; PO6)
Investigate the role of advanced nursing practice in innovation and transformation to propose solutions impacting healthcare systems. (PCs 2, 4; PO 6)
Differentiate attributes of effective leaders and followers in influencing healthcare. (PCs 2, 4; PO 6)
Assimilate attributes for interprofessional collaboration across healthcare settings. (PC 6; PO 8)
Formulate selected strategies for leadership and influence across healthcare systems. (PC 6; PO 8)
Due Date
By 11:59 pm MT on Sunday

Late Assignment Policy applies

W3_ Assignment Grading Rubric
W3_ Assignment Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem: Using the information that you gathered on the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1), describe the practice problem.
1. Describe a specific location (hospital unit, community health clinic, surgical suite, primary care practice).
2. Identify the key stakeholders (decision makers).
3. Relate the practice problem identified by the stakeholders.
30 pts
Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth description of the problem.
27 pts
Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a sufficient description of the problem.
24 pts
Includes at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial description of the problem.
0 pts
Provides an undeveloped description of the problem.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePractice Gap
1. In 1-2 organized paragraphs, summarize your findings in Table 1, the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification
2. Include a completed Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification Table as Table 1, placed after the reference list.
30 pts
Describes Table 1 and provides an in-depth summary of the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1).
27 pts
Describes Table 1 and provides a sufficient summary of the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1).
24 pts
Describes Table 1 and/or provides a partial summary of the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1), or Table 1 has not been used empty.
0 pts
Provides an undeveloped summary of the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1).
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePractice Question: Define and briefly explain the project’s intended population, evidence-based intervention, and measurable outcomes (PICOT). Use the bulleted list in the template to provide your descriptions:
1. Population: Describe the specific characteristics of the population that is the focus of the intervention, including the simulated unit, clinic, or healthcare location you have chosen.
2. Intervention: Citing evidence listed in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (Table 2), provide 1-2 sentences explaining what the intervention or intervention bundle should be from the evidence in Table 2; cite “see Table 2” in this section to refer the reader to the evidence. There should be at least three (3) references listed in Table 2 for this assignment that specifically support the intervention and/or the outcome (and its measurements).
3. Comparison: State “compared to current practice” for the purposes of this assignment.
4. Outcome. Create and explain specific outcome measurements based on the current evidence you have collected in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (attached as Table 2). The sources can be the same ones that were used to support the intervention as long as they support the measurable outcomes. There should be at least three (3) references listed in Table 2 for this assignment.
5. Time: Time frame for the project implementation (Practicum projects are typically 8 weeks long).
6. State the Practice Question as exemplified in the assignment guidelines.
7. Table 2, the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool, is filled out with at least three (3) quantitative research studies. (NOTE: all sources listed on the table should be included on the reference list).

**(Note: Table 2: Use the table provided in this template or include a completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.)
50 pts
Includes all 7 of the requirements and provides an in-depth summary of the practice question.
45 pts
Includes no fewer than 5 of the requirements and provides a sufficient summary of the practice question.
40 pts
Includes no fewer than 4 of the requirements and provides a partial summary of the practice question.
0 pts
Includes none of the requirements.
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInterprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams
Under the template’s level 1 heading, “Leading the Practice-Change Project,” complete the first section, “Interprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams” and create your approach to implementing your simulated practice change project with an interprofessional team, including a description of:
1. how you will create a project environment of mutual respect and shared values and
2. facilitate team roles and flexibility to perform effectively in the project.
50 pts
Includes both requirements and provides an in-depth analysis of implementing the project with an interprofessional team.
45 pts
Includes both requirements and provides a sufficient analysis of implementing the project with an interprofessional team.
40 pts
Includes at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial analysis of implementing the project with an interprofessional team.
0 pts
Includes neither requirement nor provides an undeveloped analysis of implementing the project with an interprofessional team.
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
1. Complete the reference page on the template
2. Ensure each reference has a matching citation and references & citations are formatted as required in the APA manual/Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers.
3. Include at least three (3) scholarly references at a minimum (that are those listed in the Johns Hopkins Table). Other references should be added to the reference list as needed to support your assertions.
10 pts
Includes all requirements of the reference section.
9 pts
Includes at least 2 requirements for the reference section.
8 pts
Includes 1 requirement for the references.
0 pts
Includes none of the requirements for the reference section.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style and Organization for Scholarly Papers
1. Complete Table 1 & Table 2 in the template after the reference list.
(Note: Table 2: Use the table provided in this template or include a completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool with this assignment.)
2. Table 2, the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool, should include a minimum of three [3] project sources which are research or systematic review references.
3. Tables 1 and 2 are referred to in your paper, and Table 1 is cited before Table 2 so that they are mentioned in the correct order.
4. The title page is in Chamberlain DNP Program format.
5. The length of the paper adheres to the paragraph/sentence recommendations in the template.
6. The title remains “Simulated DNP Evidence-based Project and Professional Leadership Capacity,” as displayed on the template title and 1st pages.
10 pts
Includes all requirements of APA style and standards.
9 pts
Includes 5 of the 6 criteria of the requirements of APA style and standards.
8 pts
Includes 2 of the 6 criteria of the requirement of APA style and standards
0 pts
Includes fewer than 2 of the 6 criteria of the requirement of APA style and standards.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Writing
1. Use of standard APA English grammar, sentence structure, spelling, word meaning, and punctuation.
2. Sentences are complete, and paragraphs are organized according to the section criteria.
20 pts
Includes both requirements of clarity of writing without error patterns.
18 pts
Includes both requirements of clarity of writing with minimal error patterns.
16 pts
Includes 1 requirement of clarity of writing with several error patterns.
0 pts
Includes no clarity of writing requirements.
20 pts
Total Points: 200

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