Topic: child anxiety disorder (risk factors/consequences) AND parents’ psychopathological risk such as stress/depression (risk factors/consequences)
References: from research journals within psychology discipline in the past 5 years only (no non-academic online articles/news)
APA 7 citation
Bonus: if there are Bible verses reference about parent-child relationship, attachment theory (secure attachment), or child anxiety
Example: Untreated anxiety can have
deleterious consequences, pose a risk for adverse developmental outcomes, and
have broad impacts on both mental and physical competency that can continue
into adulthood (Domoney & Nath, 2019)… It is important to underline the challenges and complexities surrounding
the roles of parents as comprehending the detailed interplay between
parental psychopathology risk factors is essential for creating preventive
deleterious consequences, pose a risk for adverse developmental outcomes, and
have broad impacts on both mental and physical competency that can continue
into adulthood (Domoney & Nath, 2019)… It is important to underline the challenges and complexities surrounding
the roles of parents as comprehending the detailed interplay between
parental psychopathology risk factors is essential for creating preventive