Explain any special personal or family circumstances (exceptional hardships, challenges, or opportunities) contributing to your need for financial assistance.
Must be in a positive tone and not show any self pity.
I had brain surgery this past December over the Christmas break for a chiari malformation
I grew up in a volatile household with an angry father and a mother who was just going through the motions to keep it all together and raise me and my two younger brothers. She basically did it all by herself and my dad very rarely worked and was like a 4 th child. He was in and out of incarceration and liked the street life much more than family man life. My Mom earned the living essentually by herself. Mymom had the same brain surgery that I had this past December but she had it 7 years ago when me and my siblings were in elementary and middle school
My two younger brothers and I are all in college and there’s just no extra money for her to help out with. My siblings and I have scholarships, grants, and student loans to pay for our college education.
Since I began college 3 years ago, I’ve struggled to make ends meet while maintaining a good GPA. I’ve seen many draining times throughout my childhood and that God does provide in the end but that doesn’t mean there is not a lot of stress and pressure along the way. I’m truly blessed and appreciative of the blessings bestowed upon me and my accomplishments this far.
I’ll be going to Italy in May as a required study abroad session in my major …urban planning and studies which falls under the School of architecture. I want to learn and experience as much as possible while abroad to broaden my job opportunities and life skills and live a better more fulfilling life. I do not want to have the disappointments and regrets and struggles that some adults have later in lifesuch as my parents I have not been able to work due to my health conditions which ultimately led to my brain surgery. This has added a tremendous worry and burden to my financial capability of being able to study abroad. I know I am blessed but I have also truly worked very hard to be able to have this opportunity and be detrimental in my field of study after I graduate if I am not able to go.
Another factor in financial need is the death of two very close family members since I began college that were going to contribute money to my education. Of course we never know when death will come but these tragic deaths and there effects never crossed my mind. Therefore no back up plan was made in the event of death