an issue pertaining to family health, incorporating the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



You are required to submit a 3000 word essay that critically analyses an issue pertaining to family health,
incorporating the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Your work should discuss a particular
area/community in a country other than that of your citizenship or your
current employment that suffers from a specific public health issue
associated with family health that is relevant to SDGs. This means that you
cannot choose the country in which you were born, have residency, or are
working in.


The discussion should focus on a specific
sustainable development goal and discuss a relevant target and up to 2 indicators/targets. For
example, you might choose SDG2, Target 2.1, target indicator 2.1.1 or SDG 6,
target 6.3, indicators 6.3.1 and 6.3.2.


Your focus should be connected to
women’s health (above 18) or older adults (above 50) in your chosen country.


You work will need to include the
following points:


Critical analysis of the topic/SDG
using relevant research and literature that is relevant to the host country; (20 Marks)


Why the topic, SDG, SDG target and
relevant indicator(s) is important to family health? (20 Marks)


barriers, strategies (short & long term) and solutions for the topic/SDG concentrating
on the selected target/indicator(s) in the host country including non-achievement
of the selected SDG target and related indicator(s).  (30


and action for the immediate future should be included in the summary. One of
these recommendations will be taken forward to assessment point 2. (20 marks)


submitted work should follow appropriate academic conventions i.e.
spelling/grammar/referencing (10




Outcomes to be assessed
(as specified in the validated module


  • Evaluate the Sustainable Development Goal and debate their
    implications for a specific low-income country.
  • Analyse key issues affecting the health and health care
    provisions for families in low-income countries in a specific
    Sustainable Development Goal area.
  • Identify a rationale for, and the development of, a
    partnership plan and philosophy identifying areas of reciprocity,
    sustainability and good practice within the context of a low-income



Please see
Level M Assessment Grid below

















































(linked to assessment criteria):

Areas where you have done well:










Feedback from this assessment to
help you to improve future assessments:











Other comments








Work on this module has been marked, double
marked/moderated in line with USW procedures.


Provisional mark only: subject to change and/or
confirmation by the Assessment Board

Part C: Reflections on Assessment

(to be completed by student – optional)


Use of
previous feedback:


In this assessment, I have taken/took note of the
following points in feedback on previous work:



Please indicate which of the following you feel/felt
applies/applied to your submitted work

A reasonable attempt. I could
have developed some of the
sections further.

A good attempt, displaying my understanding and learning, with
analysis in some parts.

A very good attempt. The work
demonstrates my clear understanding of the learning
supported by relevant literature and scholarly work with good analysis and evaluation.

An excellent attempt, with clear
application of literature and scholarly work, demonstrating significant
analysis and evaluation.


What I found most
difficult about this assessment:



The areas where I would value/would have valued feedback:




Level M Assessment Grid


Knowledge & Understanding


Synthesis /




of extensive reading. Well referenced and expressed in own words.
Demonstrates systematic, detailed and comprehensive knowledge of a field of
study.  Confidently handles issues,
which are complex or specialist in nature.






analytical. Selects and uses with confidence the most appropriate analytical
frameworks to examine the key issues of an area of knowledge. Can analyse
complex issues where knowledge is incomplete. Analysis is purposeful and
illuminates practical considerations.

an effective and imaginative structure. 
Shows originality in the practical application of advanced knowledge.
Can discuss application of knowledge to complex or novel situations.  Is able to pull together and give coherence
to information / ideas from diverse sources. 

alternative views of complex or novel situations, based on a clear grasp of
all relevant viewpoints and an even-handed discussion of their relative
merits. Justifies conclusions and recommendations and shows awareness of
their limitations. Critiques the rigour and value of the different positions
taken or methods used. Where appropriate, makes critical use of own




of extensive reading. Well referenced and expressed in own words.
Demonstrates comprehensive & detailed knowledge of complex issues or
specialist knowledge. Understanding of current issues in the field and the provisional
nature of knowledge.



analytical. Considers abstract and contextual information. Identifies key
features of advanced or complex issues. 
Selects from a range of methods / techniques appropriate to the
subject for clarifying the information.

structure used to present arguments. 
Draws on a variety of sources. 
Consistently addresses the practical application of information /
ideas with some originality. Can discuss application of knowledge to complex
or novel situations.

alternative views of complex or novel situations. Discusses reliability,
validity and significance of information. Draws conclusions and makes
recommendations that are justified by the arguments presented. Where
appropriate, makes critical use of own experiences.


Good Pass


of wide reading. Well referenced and expressed in own words. Demonstrates
comprehensive and/or detailed knowledge
. Aware of provisional nature
of knowledge.

aspects of the subject. Considers abstract and contextual information.
Identifies important features of advanced or complex issues.  Considers analytical methods / techniques
appropriate to the subject.

arguments well.  Draws on a variety of
sources.  Discusses the practical
application of information / ideas
, showing some originality.

evaluate alternative views of complex or novel situations.
Questions reliability, validity and significance of
information.  Where required, explores own
experiences and views and their implications. Conclusions and recommendations
are well argued and reasoned.



Clear Pass






of wide reading. Well referenced and expressed in own words.  Demonstrates familiarity with  of the body of relevant knowledge and some
current / advanced issues.

significant features of issues, including those which are advanced or
complex. Makes appropriate use of 
methods/techniques for analysis. Able to consider incomplete or
contradictory areas of knowledge.

arguments adequately
. Discusses the application of
information / ideas in an appropriate way.

evaluate alternative approaches/ viewpoints in complex or novel situations.
Shows awareness of issues of reliability, validity and significance of
information.  Where required, explores
own experiences and views and their implications. Conclusions and
recommendations are supported by the arguments presented.



Narrow Pass



The work incompletely meets the
criteria for a clear pass  grade for
some descriptors but demonstrates attainment of assessment criteria; or the
work does not achieve the standard equivalent to D2 for one or more
descriptors but is redeemed by a good standard in the others; or
the work fulfils the criteria for a pass in relation to all descriptors but
only meets the minimum requirements of assessment criteria.








Reading inadequate or not fully understood OR Knowledge of the
field of study is limited and not consistent with module learning outcomes.




present, analysis overlooks the key features OR uses unsuitable
methods/criteria. Does not address the assessment criteria.


has problems with coherence or consistency. 
Limited application of theory to practice.


a balanced approach or adequate supportive evidence. Lacks discrimination or
does not reach a well reasoned conclusion.


Clear Fail



limited evidence of appropriate reading. 
Very limited knowledge base



evidence of analysis. Does not address the assessment criteria.


structure and little attempt to link theory with practice.


attempt to formulate an argument or draw conclusions.








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