Rhetorical Analysis paper, you will write a two to three-page rhetorical analysis of Richard Alba, Morris Levy, and Dowell Myers’ ” The Myth of a Majority-Minority America”, found in Everyone’s An Author, pages 837-841.


Before beginning this assignment, read Chapter 14 in Everyone’s an Author (Writing Analytically) and section W8 in The Little Seagull Handbook (Rhetorical Analyses).

For the Rhetorical Analysis paper, you will write a two to three-page rhetorical analysis of Richard Alba, Morris Levy, and Dowell Myers’ ” The Myth of a Majority-Minority America”, found in Everyone’s An Author, pages 837-841.

First, read ” The Myth of a Majority-Minority America” and decide if the article was (1) well-written or (2) poorly written. You should compose your rhetorical analysis in a well-developed paper with clear topic sentences for each paragraph and use logic, details, and examples to develop your writing. Include direct quotations from the essay, along with points of summary. The paper format should follow APA formatting. Cite the source according to APA format and include a bibliography page. 

Focus on the author’s style of writing (use of language, word choice, sentence structure, use of examples, clarity) along with the author’s content. Examine not just what is written but how well or how ineffectively the article is written.


    • 2-3 Pages
    • APA Format 
    • APA formatted Bibliography and In-text Citations


Writing a Rhetorical Analysis 


For this paper you will analyze the chosen essay, focusing on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the author’s argument. There are several ways to go about writing such a paper, but your thesis will be based on your judgment of the essay.

Develop a Clear Thesis:

Develop the thesis for your paper based on your answer to this question: Does the author of your chosen essay make an effective argument in his or her essay?


Consider some of the following questions as you develop ideas for your analysis.

Examine the Author’s Thesis and Purpose

    • Identify the author’s stance on the topic. Does the author establish a clear position on the issue? What is that stance?
    • What is the author’s purpose? Is he trying to convince you to support a specific position? Does the author accomplish that goal?

Examine the Author’s Ability to Reach the Intended Audience

    • Identify the author’s intended audience (consider the place of publication) and the beliefs and values of that audience. Does the author write an effective argument for the targeted audience?
    • Why was the author effective or ineffective at reaching the intended audience?

Examine the Author’s Methods

    • What techniques does the author use to develop the essay? Does the author use statistics, examples, personal testimony, expert testimony, analogies, or some other technique to convince the reader?
    • How effective do you find the author’s strategies? Is the information convincing? Why or why not?
    • Do you see weaknesses in any of the author’s arguments? If so, where? Examine the logic.
    • If the argument is particularly effective, why is it effective? What convinces you? Be specific where you can.
    • Has the writer considered all relevant factors, or do other issues need to be discussed? Has the author considered opposing arguments? If not, does that weaken the argument?

Examine the Author’s Persona

    • Consider the overall persona (the author’s self-presentation) of the author. Does the author appear to be well-informed and believable? Fair and open-minded? Why or why not?
    • What tone does the author use? Does the author use sarcasm or ridicule in addressing objections to his or her position? If so, how does that affect the quality of the argument?

There are several ways to develop this paper, but you may want to consider using the structure listed below.


    • Clearly introduce the chosen essay by mentioning the name of the author and the article title. You may also want to provide some general background information on the author. You can also include information on the original place of publication. 
    • Clearly establish your argument by answering this question: Does the author of your chosen essay make an effective argument in his or her essay? The answer to this question can become your thesis.

Body (At least three paragraphs)

Focus on three or four points of analysis in the body of your paper. Make sure you develop each point in its own paragraph. You should have at least a five-paragraph essay. The specific points of focus are up to you. Just make sure you avoid writing a summary paper. You will need to summarize some points from the essay but do so to make a specific point. Follow points of summary with discussion. You may also want to quote to call attention to specific sentences within the author’s essay. You can then follow those quotes with analysis.


    • Reiterate your final judgment of the essay you are analyzing. Try to end with an interesting statement.

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