Last week, you wrote the Introduction and Literature Review section in your paper. This week, you will write the Method section. Price et al. (2017) covers this section in chapter 11.2 and identifies three examples of how a Method section can be written. Your Method section will have three parts: Participants, Materials, and Design & Procedure. (Note: Design & Procedure will be grouped into a single section in your methods section.)
Write a Method section for your experiment. It should contain three parts:
- Participants,
- Materials, and
- Design and Procedure.
Look at the descriptions in the textbook for what type of information belongs in each section.
(Note: The participant’s section should contain basic demographic information: total number, mean and SD for age, number of each gender, etc. Since you will not download a data file with participants until week 6, you will not have these numbers. Write this section with blanks as placeholders for this data. You will need to add it in after week 6.)
As part of order 6965355