Word document:
- The first page of your Word document should be like the mutual fund sheet and contain the basic information about your portfolio, the investment strategy and the tables and illustrations in the purple boxes.
- The second (and third) page of your Word document should contain a brief explanation for each stock why it is in the portfolio and what return you expect to it (alpha).
Excel notebook:
- The first sheet of the Excel notebook should be the prices you have downloaded.
- The second sheet of the Excel notebook should be data you download from the Fama-French data library.
- The third sheet of the Excel notebook should be the returns and excess returns of the stocks in your portfolio. (You will need the prices from the first sheet and the risk-free rate from the second sheet for this.)
- The fourth sheet should contain all CAPM regressions.
- The fifth sheet should contain all calculations for the construction of your portfolio.
- The sixth sheet should contain all 3-Factor model regressions.
- The seventh sheet should contain all calculations for the data summary of your portfolio. (This data goes onto the first page of your Word document.)