1. The blogs provide the opportunity to consider and analyze primary text selections in the
McGrath, Theology: The Basic Readings textbook. McGrath Readings is a collection of
readings from the history of the church.
* Note, this book is similar to McGrath, Theology: The Basics. But McGrath, Readings
provides short selections from theological texts from the history of the church. Each
chapter has several short readings or selections. For example, 1.2 = the second reading
in the first chapter (i.e., Vincent of Lerins on tradition and theology
(McGrath, Readings, ch. 1, selection 1.1 Augustine of Hippo on the
theological use of secular philosophy.)
•Describe the content and argument of the reading selection.
• Identify ways the reading presents a contribution and challenge to faith
formation today.
c. Length: each blog is 500 words