******* i’m interested in ( spinal cord injury mental health adults)**********
structure of assignment that can help (2500)words
Literature search
Cite/ reference the 2 papers you have selected and give us a 2 or 3 sentence overview of each
Specify which aspect(s) of their research methods you will be focusing on (max of 2 methods) and define those methods using relevant literature
Discuss the pros and cons of the method(s) as used in each paper (i.e. not just from a purely theoretical perspective).
Discuss any ethical issues in the papers that you identify as worthy of discussion (ie stuff that sits within Beauchamp and Childress’ 4 ethical principles)
Brief conclusion
Reference list
Don’t waste words writing out the assignment brief.
Just tell the reader what they can expect
Eg that the essay will be discussing the research methods used, and ethical issues arising from two primary research papers that were conducted into my chosen topic of…..
Two or three sentences max!
2)literature search provide evidence
We do want a screenshot as an appendix that looks something like this:
We want you to direct the reader to it from this section of your essay (see appendix) but that is not enough to get marks.
Tell us which database you searched and justify the choice with a piece of literature
Then tell us about your search e.g.
Tell us that you constructed a search using PEO, PICO or some other because they help structure the search (and give us a reference to support that)
Tell us you combined synonyms with the Boolean operator “OR” because Bloggs et al (2020) says its a fab thing to do.
Tell us you combined key words with Boolean operator “AND” because…..
Tell us about the limits you put on your search (eg “last 5 yrs”) and why (using literature)
Tell us how many results it left you to select from
3) Cite/ reference the 2 papers you have selected and give us a 2 or 3 sentence overview of each example………….
From the 35 papers identified in the search described above, two primary research studies were selected. The first was Painter, J.; Turner, J.; Procter, P. (2021). If There’s Something Strange in Your Neighbourhood, Who You Gonna Call? Perceived Mental Health Service User Suitability for Video Consultations. Healthcare, 9(517). This was a service evaluation that presented the findings from a thematic analysis of responses to an online survey of 487 staff that had used video consultations with a range of service users instead of meeting in person. The second was……
4) Specify which aspect(s) of their research methods you will be focusing on (max of 2 methods) and define those methods using relevant literature
Make sure you know what a research method is: https://www.aesanetwork.org/research-onion-a-systematic-approach-to-designing-research-methodology/
Tell us whether you are going to write about sampling, data collection methods, data analysis techniques etc etc.
Tell us exactly which methods were used in each study (surveys, interviews, focus groups etc)
Briefly explain them using
research literature eg Research and Evidence bassed Book.
5a) Discuss the pros and cons of the method(s) as used in each paper (i.e. not just from a purely theoretical perspective)
Painter et al (2021) set out to to gather the views of busy nurses. Their use of online surveys was particularly suited to this group of healthcare professionals as it gave staff flexibility about when to answer the questions (Heaslip & Lindsay, 2019). In particular, some inpatient staff work permanent night shifts and their opinions may have been missed if data collection was limited to the 9-5 working day of the researchers. However, response rates for surveys are notoriously poor with some estimates as low as18% (Ashmore & Hodgson, 2005).
5b) Discuss any ethical issues in the papers that you identify as worthy of discussion (ie stuff that sits within Beauchamp and Childress’ 4 ethical principles)
All research in the UK requires ethical approval before it can proceed (H.R.A., 2021). This requires the researchers to design and conduct their studies in a way that safeguards participants. Beachamp and Childress (2019) suggest nurse researchers should ensure their studies adhere to 4 main ethical principles. These are speed, surprise, stealth and sausages.
A practical example of Beachamp and Childress’ principle of autonomy is the way researchers obtain informed consent. Painter et al (2021) Included information about their study at the start of their survey. This seems appropriate for healthcare professionals however the second study could not have relied on this approach as it involved people with a learning disability who often struggle with written information (Mencap, 2019). As nurses working to the Mental Capacity Act (2015) we have a clear duty to support decision making.
6) Reference List
Include everything you have cited
Yes, even your two main papers
Follow APA guidelines (you can use version 6 or 7)
Sense check the list, if its all references to clinical articles and no research books then you have the wrong focus.
Make sure you use high quality, peer reviewed sources. Don’t reference random webpages that have no real quality control.