please have a well structured essay witha clear ibntroduction adna conclusion in the end.
PLEASE use these references:
1. Arnon, A. (2010). Wicksell’s Innovative Monetary Theory and Policy,
Chapter 17 in Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to
Wicksell: Money, Credit, and the Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. (Available as an online resource)
Chapter 17 in Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to
Wicksell: Money, Credit, and the Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. (Available as an online resource)
2. Humphrey, T. (1974), The Quantity Theory of Money: Its Historical
Evolution and Role in Policy Debates, FRB Richmond Economic Review,
Vol. 60, pp. 2-19
Evolution and Role in Policy Debates, FRB Richmond Economic Review,
Vol. 60, pp. 2-19
3. Robbins, L. (2000), A History of Economic Thought – LSE lectures, Ed.
Steve Medema and Warren Samuels, Princeton University Press,
Princeton.Ch. 33.
Steve Medema and Warren Samuels, Princeton University Press,
Princeton.Ch. 33.
4. Murphy, A. (2009), The genesis of macroeconomics: new ideas from Sir
William Petty to Henry Thornton, Oxford University Press, Ch: 9
William Petty to Henry Thornton, Oxford University Press, Ch: 9
5. Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General theory of employment, interest and
I have also attached a reading which could be useful
1. Answer. (Does the coursework address the question/issue or meet the
assigned aims and keep on topic? Is there a comprehensive
understanding of the topic?)
assigned aims and keep on topic? Is there a comprehensive
understanding of the topic?)
2. Structure. (Is the structure clear and material presented in a well
argued, coherent and synthesised manner?)
argued, coherent and synthesised manner?)
3. Writing Style. (Is the writing fluent and of a good standard with few
errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar?)
errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar?)
4. Level of Reading. (Is the topic well researched and supported? Is there
evidence of using a range of high-quality sources?)
evidence of using a range of high-quality sources?)
5. Quality of Referencing. (Is the work appropriately sourced? Are the
references well formatted and written up accurately and consistently?)
references well formatted and written up accurately and consistently?)