Assignment 5.3: Theory Project Artifact for Theory Outside Nursing Connecting Theory to Advanced Practice


Carefully review the module in Week 5 on Health Related Theories and Nursing Practice. The goal of this assignment is to help you and others learn these health-related theories and their application to advanced practice in a unique and memorable way. You will likely be asked about mid-range and health-related theories outside nursing on a certification exam. The more of these you know about, the better for your exam preparation and for practice.

Just as you did in Week 1, sign up and select a theorist or model from the other theories presented in the Week 5 module and list provided.

List Theory/Model sign up instructions

  1. Select “People” on the course navigation menu.
  2. Select “Health-Related Theory/Model Group.”
  3. Select “JOIN” for any theory/model that contains 0 students.
  4. Do not select a theory model that contains one student.
  5. Joining a “Group” reserves the theory/ model for your artifact.

Additional Guidelines

  • Create an artifact to share information on your selection in a creative teach-back method for your peers.
  • Creative ways to complete this may include a Kaltura video or some other form relating to this theory or model. For example, you could create a food recipe, a game, a song, visual art, something nature-focused, a drama script, a mock interview, a commercial, or a very short film.
  • Be sure to include how this theory or model relates to your nursing theorist chosen.
  • Making ties to the prior week’s learning materials, explain at least one personal connection you have to the theory or model.
  • Include how you think the theory or model in your artifact relates to advanced practice.
  • Upload a transcript to go with any videography, and limit videos to 3–5 minutes.
  • Upload a Word document to supplement learning for other creative approaches.
  • Include a reference list for your sources.

Submit your original assignment by the end of Day 7. Replies to videos are not required for this week. You will review and critique five other peers and their artifacts in Week 7.

You can refer to the Health-Related Theory ModelLinks to an external site. Artifact for directions and an example for approaching and completing this assignment.

If you copy and paste references from the course into your assignment, be sure to confirm APA formatting before submitting.

Please Note

  • You will not be able to delete or revise a post after you submit it. It would be in your best interest to spend a couple of minutes reviewing your post before submitting.
  • You will not be able to see anyone else’s posts until you post first. As soon as you submit a post, you will be able to view everyone else’s posts.



Assignment Theory Project 5.2 Rubric
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Review of theorist/theory selection and rationale 15 Points
Review contains outstanding discussion of theorists or relationship to theory.
13.75 Points
Review contains satisfactory discussion of theorist or relationship theory.
12.75 Points
Review contains only partial discussion of theorists or relationship to theory.
12 Points
Review contains minimal discussion of theorist/theory selection and rationale or relationship to theory.
Artifact well organized 15 Points
Artifact is well organized and reflects excellent comprehension of the theory.
13.75 Points
Artifact satisfactorily organized and adequately reflects comprehension of the theory.
12.75 Points
Artifact partially organized and somewhat reflects comprehension of the theory.
12 Points
Artifact is poorly organized with little or no comprehension of the theory demonstrated.
Artifact delivered in an innovative, memorable way 15 Points
Outstanding creative strategies used to engage the viewer.
13.75 Points
Adequate creative strategies used to engage the viewer.
12.75 Points
Minimal creative strategies used to engage the viewer.
12 Points
Little to no creative strategies used to engage the viewer.
Presented overview of theory 15 Points
Overview covers all aspects of theory.
13.75 Points
Overview satisfactorily covers most aspects of the theory.
12.75 Points
Overview covers some aspects of the theory.
12 Points
Overview covers few of the aspects of the theory.
Presented a connection of theory or model to chosen nurse theorist 15 Points
Outstanding connection to chosen nurse theorist.
13.75 Points
Satisfactory connection to chosen nurse theorist.
12.75 Points
Partial connection to chosen nurse theorist.
12 Points
None or minimal connection to chosen nurse theorist.
Demonstrated connection between health-related theory and clinical advanced nursing practice 15 Points
Outstanding connection identified between health-related theory and clinical advanced nursing practice.
13.75 Points
Satisfactory connection identified between health-related theory and clinical advanced nursing practice.
12.75 Points
Partial connection identified between health-related theory and clinical advanced nursing practice.
12 Points
None or minimal connection identified between health-related theory and clinical advanced nursing practice.
3–4 references listed representing both theories 5 Points
5+ references
4.75 Points
4–5 references
4.25 Points
3–4 references
4 Points
Less than 3 references



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