Please apply one of the strategies discussed in class—deterrence, appeasement, coercive diplomacy, negotiation, TFT, GRIT—to a case study chosen from the topics below, 6-10 pages. Your paper should consider the following questions. How was the strategy applied? Were the conditions favoring the strategy present? Why did it succeed or fail? Include footnotes and bibliography using the Chicago Manual of Style. Use a variety of sources—books, journal articles, magazine articles, reputable websites. You should consult at least 5 sources, of which 3 are scholarly. Scholarly sources should include at least 1 book and 2 journal articles.
- Deterrence US vs. China over Taiwan, 1995-96
- Appeasement British appeasement of United States 1896-1903
- Coercive Diplomacy October 1973 War—Arab-US, US-Soviet
- Negotiation 1994 Agreed Framework with North Korea
- TFT Sino-American Rapprochement 1969-1971
- GRIT Gorbachev’s policy toward the United States 1985-1989
2 journal articles