Write an essay comparing and analyzing key similarities and differences between features of four closed research theme readings from the theme list provided by your instructor.

Overview: Write an essay comparing and analyzing key similarities and differences between features of four closed research theme readings from the theme list provided by your instructor.

1. Kenneth Goldsmith  Go Ahead: Waste Time on the Internet!

2. Nicholas Carr – How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds 

3. Sherry Turkle – Stop Googling. Let’s Talk 

4. Nicholas Brody  It Turns Out Our Gadgets Aren’t as Isolating as Experts Say


Objectives: To critically analyze and compare four closed research theme readings based on significant similarities and differences in characteristics such as perspectives and themes expressed, conclusions drawn, arguments and rhetorical strategies used, credibility and appeals to audiences, etc.

Medium: An academic essay, between 450-600 words for the Half Draft; minimum 1000 words for the Final Draft; both drafts double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman or similar font; formatted and cited according to APA style, as specified by your instructor.


Elements of a Synthesis Essay


Your essay should be logically organized, relative to the similarities and differences you analyze, and should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion:

In general, an effective Synthesis essay will include…

  • An introduction that engages readers on the topic, introduces your authors and their position on the impact of technology on us and presents a thesis statement.
  • Body paragraphs in which the points of comparison in the texts are analyzed and where you offer your own conclusions about those similarities and differences (for more on this, see below). Typically, each body paragraph focuses on one key similarity or difference. These paragraphs should be arranged in a logical order that will help readers make the most sense of your analysis. THINK QUOTE SANDWICH
  • A conclusion that briefly recaps the analysis, offers final thoughts, and/or wraps up your essay in a way that is thought-provoking to readers.
  • Transitional words and phrases to show the relationships of ideas between and within your paragraphs (see The Little Seagull Handbook, Chapter W-5).


In the body paragraphs of your essay, you should compare and analyze your four selected closed research theme readings.

In general, each body paragraph should…

  • Offer a topic sentence that identifies the point of comparison that will be analyzed in the paragraph.
  • Contain evidence that demonstrates and supports the point of comparison. This evidence will be in the form of “They Say” summaries and/or quotations from the closed research theme readings – again – DON’T just drop a quote – THINK QUOTE SANDWICH
  • Contain interpretations of and reasoning about the evidence to explain how it illustrates the point of comparison. This interpretation and reasoning may be in the form of “I Say” moves that provide further explanation of the evidence and/or additional “They Say” summaries and/or quotations from the readings that provide additional context to understand the evidence.
  • End with a concluding sentence that ties the point of comparison to the overall thesis.

The Little Seagull Handbook, Chapter W-5, provides additional guidance on how to develop paragraphs.


Your drafts need to be formatted and documented based on APA style, as specified by your instructor. You need to cite in-text “They Say” summaries and quotations from the closed research theme readings and any other outside sources you use, if you use any. And you need to provide a list of sources, based on your citation style. This list of sources may include only the closed research theme readings you chose but should also list any other sources you used.

  • Clearly developed thesis statement that takes a position about the similarities and differences between the two closed research theme readings
  • An introductory paragraph that attempts to gain the interest of the reader, introduces the closed research theme readings and presents the thesis statement
  • Body paragraphs that compare and analyze key similarities and differences between the closed research theme readings, with topic sentences and transitions
  • Well-reasoned analysis based on relevant and complex comparisons illustrated and supported with evidence from the closed research theme readings
  • A concluding paragraph
  • In-text citations of “They Say” summaries and quotations of the closed research theme readings and other sources you might use
  • APA style formatting, as specified by your instructor, with a References page and Cover page 
  • Observation of the conventions of Standard Written American English
  • Minimum 1000 words for the final draft (Cover page and References page do not count in the minimum word-count requirement)
  • See the assessment rubric below for grading 
Synthesis Essay Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

Engaging introduction with sufficient background information given on the subject.
10 pts
Thesis Statement

Strong analytical thesis statement outlining multiple perspectives on the research question and the writer’s own developing position.
10 pts

Clear and effective organization of the essay by a common theme.
20 pts
Effective Use of Sources

Effective representation and discussion of multiple perspectives on each topic. Effective use of direct quotations and paraphrasing from all four sources.
(Think Quote Sandwich) (Think Voice Markers)
20 pts

Conclusion offering insight into the significance or the larger context of this discussion and establishing the writer’s own position on the research question.
10 pts
Documentation and Formatting

Follows the guidelines for APA formatting and documentation. This includes formatting for the paper – including a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page. 
15 pts
Writing Conventions and Expectations

Mostly follows the conventions of standard written English. Meets the assignment requirements and is submitted on time. A minimum of 1000 words (not including the cover page and the reference page) double-spaced.
15 pts
Total Points: 100

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