my major is communactions design
kinda circle the whole essay on my fashion brand costal ave
i started it last year and we really foucas on the importance of inclustivy so everyone wearing our clothes can feel comfertable in there own skin.
i started this brand with my best friend just selling it to out close friends but soon after we started selling to people at out college
we now have an instagram, tiktok, and website
connect our brand back to its important when studying communations desgin and give 3 reasons why.
explain why inclustivty are important when trying to make a change in the fashion inudstry
name some clubs at parson that rreally foucas on that. and f u cant find anything, express how i would love to start a club that does and give ways and reasons on how i can be apart or add anything to that.
explian why this is important to ME
sprinkle in a little of woman reproductive rights and gender inculstivy
our brand is uni sex and can worn by any one
really try and answer the prompt completly and thoroughly