Jean Blampain, as an indeterminate in french revolution national assembly, support the faction Feuillants (moderates)

here’s the news paper from the Feuillants (moderates)
The King of France, Louis XVI, shall be instated as the head of the nation but not be absolute over the people. For the systems we have had in place no longer suit our needs, there must be change. The King, though having fled from France and was turned over by the people, has but a necessary sanction in our lands. He may flee as a bird does from a cage, but let him not forget the metal and hands he has forged it from.
So, it follows that the King must permit the passing of power to the people. Without the national assembly, the King will lay in a land of thorns and gallows, which are not beneficial to our new nation. Without Man, the King falters and fails in his duties. Without a King, Man falls into chaos and mutiny.
On the grounds of France, our government should not be bound by the ties of monarchical rule. The tyranny of King Louis XVI stirred the people of France, for the people were not permitted to follow the natural laws of life, as stated in The Proposed Constitution of
1791. The Natural Rights of Man should always be upheld by the King and be of most importance in the nation’s foundations. The King shall not veto nor delay any legislature that should benefit the well-being and uphold the Natural Rights of Man. Any hindrance of such shall be overruled by the majority of man and his approval of the ordinances for the people, for King and Man should balance in the lands of France in peace to provide beneficence for his people. In addition to preserving the people’s sovereignty, I empower the King to use a suspensive veto to protect us from these hasty decisions. It is not sufficient for the King to not rule and influence our assembly with such haste. Should the King veto any laws created by the people of the National Assembly, he shall not have absolute power over such and will put a mere delay. But by public force, should the veto be questioned by deliberation thrice, such a decision by the King will be overruled.
Though with Nature’s rights, we must continue to acknowledge that man is not unshaken. For Man, without a slight trace of control, would break free of loose reins and run a riot of fire and brimstone, which has not been turned sternward from our nation as Rousseau says best.
“The public force, then, requires a suitable agent to concentrate it and put it in action according to the directions of the general will, to serve as a means of communication between the state and the sovereign”
The suitable agent is one who supports the people and upholds the Natural laws. Helping the national assembly maintain the general will and connect the people of France through communication and assistance. The Revolution of France is the result of the people; the strength and freedom of man can only be preserved with the cooperation and compromise of one another.
I encourage you to consider all that has been written and vote for what is best for the nation of France. And here are the two articles from undeterminates. Since 1789, I have been the commander of the National Guard. My force strives to retain order in the city, dispersing dangerous crowds that may result in violence or upheavals throughout Paris in particular. Previously, a lot of the king’s guard had defaulted to my army, which was acceptable at first, but was eventually no longer acceptable. Soon, I changed the rules along with
members of the Commune of Paris. We determined that all able-bodied men who pay their taxes
could join the Guard. However, given recent developments, this premise may be subject to change. In this article, I will address a few issues with this guideline for enrollment in the National Guard, and a
law may be passed once feedback is received regarding the contents. I, the Marquis de Lafayette,
value your opinion. So please, read on if you will.
Issue 1: She Sans-Culottes
I wish not to offend the many fine citizens that are considered sans-culottes; however, the
great majority of these peoples are vehemently greedy and malicious, unworthy of any advancement in society. Thus, I must exclude the whole party from the National Guard. There are too few good
people amongst the general bad apples that are the sans-culottes.
It is also necessary for me to make the distinction between the third estate (peasantry) and
the sans-culottes; I will admit able-bodied men of the third estate into the Guard, but I will not admit the other aforementioned party. Let’s be honest – the state of the economy right now is not optimal. Thus, I find it obligatory
to only give taxpayers the privilege of joining the Mational Guard. The force is funded in part by taxes, and in part from my own pocket. Those ‘active citizens’ who pay their taxes are half the reason
anyone in the Guard gets paid – I will not admit people who do not fork over the money.
Isste 3: Women
Generally, the only requirement for someone to join the Mational Guard is for them to be an
active citizen (taxpayer) and for them to be sound in mind and body. I have previously only accepted
male people into the Guard, but upon attending Etta Palm ID’Helder’s salon my opinions have
changed. Madame ‘Helder made a good point that some women are able-bodied enough to join the
force, as well as being taxpayers given recent legislation. After all, in section one, it is stated that every citizen (not specifying sex/gender) is eligible to hold office/employment, and will be taxed
accordingly. Of women are able to pay substantial taxes in the future, I may be open to accepting them into the National Guard. second one: THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN AND CITIZENSHIP!
The citizens of France should know their worth, join together, and be united as one nation. When I say united as a whole that includes women and peasants. We should all be treated equally and not let people of the higher class belittle the people of the third estate. Throughout these past meetings with the national assembly, there has been a great deal of compromise for the people of France. The king allowed the nobleman to pay extra taxes, so that my people can get a right to education which is a great example of this, but this isn’t the first time my people have been satisfied with just compromising.
After the women of the Paris sections trapped the king and queen; the king opened a bakery and distributed countless loaves of bread. Many people in Paris were satisfied with the king because he
handed out a few baguettes, forgetting that he wanted to flee his country. Sometimes satisfaction isn’t enough. You may call me greedy but when it comes down to it, satisfaction is not equivalent to justice.
The people of France shouldn’t have had to beg for food in the first place. It should not have taken capturing the king, for him to acknowledge that he has a country full of starving people. The question is, did he do it because he cared or was it because he got caught? The people of power in France should’ve ensured that the citizens of France never go hungry. The reason why people are struggling to find food
and are hungry is because of the king in the first place. He put us in this poverty by helping the British colonists without thinking about how his actions affect the people in France.
My people and I are willing to die for the general will and for change in France. They are willing to do whatever it takes; as long as it will help build a new france. The only way we can advance in the French nation is if we are in this together. From now on, I am identifying myself by the title of a “citizen” of Paris, and so should you. If we all call ourselves citizens of Paris, it shows that we are one united nation
and our unity as a country. I persuade you all to use this title as well, forget the title of “clergyman”, or “nobility” or “peasantry”. Without self sacrifice there is no general will; we must rise above together against our enemies, and those who oppose the revolution. In our last meeting, the king agreed to not being able to have more authority and more power over the people, for we are all equal. If the king can agree to it, why can’t we all?
Rousseau states that the general well must be built on virtue and selflessness. Some may argue, how am I being selfish for having a different opinion? The general will is the will of the people as a whole, so having different opinions isn’t an option when it isn’t benefiting the people of France as a whole. If a citizen of Paris does not agree with the general well, you might as well just leave the country. I am aware that there are some nobility and clergymen who decided to stay in France; despite their disapproval of the revolution. But what’s the point of staying if you’re not willing to get on board with the ninety percent of people who make up the country; you claim to be so loyal to? The revolution will happen, if you are not with us then you are against us. I feel a certain brotherhood with my faction and that is what I want to achieve with all of France. We should feel like a family; United is one.
France, as a whole, includes women. Many people in my faction include women leaders such as Anne- Marguerite Andalle, Paulin Leon, and Françoise Rollins. These women are all powerful women who are all feminists who are willing to die for the revolution. Not to mention, it was the women in my faction who captured the king. The declaration of the rights of man doesn’t explicitly apply to women, but I think that it should. If we want to be united, and stand as one nation against all other enemies, why not allow women to do so as well. On the other hand, I do agree that someone needs to stay home and watch the kids, which is why I propose that instead of joining in a war, they should be allowed to bring their ideas to the National Guard, and if they choose to use one of those ideas, they are obligated to give them credit. so, here’s what you need to do, i’m an undeterminate as well, and here’s my background: are 42 years old. Two and a half years ago you were elected as a delegate to the Third Estate for Nancy, a manufacturing city in the north. You are, like most of the delegates, a lawyer. In your career, you took on many of the cases that men of more privilege and substance would not bother with: disputes over wills among people with little property, marriage contracts, conflicts over wages and the like. For many years, you did not even
have an office but simply frequented a particular wine shop where you met with potential clients an arrangement the shopkeeper found profitable as well. Over the years, you became known for honest deal-ings; you also became popular among the workingmen and tradesmen, and your section of Nancy elected you by a wide margin. When you return from Paris to Nancy, the people greet you as something of a hero.
In July 1789, you were among those of the Third Estate who proclaimed themselves to constitute the legislative body of the French people. You were exhilarated by the early success of the Revolution: the survival of the Third Estate which, in July 1789, became reconstituted as the National Assembly; the destruction of the Bastille; the humbling of the queen and king; the elimination of traditional orders and guilds, which made it difficult for poor young men to enter into the trades; and so on. But while you like freedom, you are appalled by the chaos that has ensued and especially the profound disruption of the economy. Before the Revolution, the manufacturing trades were harmed by a ministerial decision to allow free competition with England, whose manufacturing goods are outrageously cheap. The Rev-olution, which offered such promise, has actually made matters worse, disrupting the flow of supplies, inflating currency so that it has no steady value, and destroying worker discipline.
You want order to be restored and the economy patched up. Yet you want freedom, too. You are confused.
1 Ensure that the people of Nancy are better off than in early
July 1791 (the beginning of the game).
You are entitled to define “better off” as you wish, though you must persuade the Gamemaster that the voters of Nancy would agree with your definition of “better off.”
2 Be a “brilliant Indeterminate”: ensure that most players don’t know which faction you will support in the final session. my responsability is RESPONSIBILITIES
On every issue before the National Assembly, you are at present undecided, or “indeterminate.” That is, you should vote on nearly every issue, but your role does not oblige you to vote in any particular way.
You are somewhat free to be persuaded by what you read and hear. But you must always remember that you are not a person living in the twenty-first century, but a Frenchman living in France in 1791.
Here’s another way of looking at it: an Indeterminate role is something of a contradiction in terms. Each Indeterminate is responsible to the Gamemaster for making her actions-her written and oral work and, of course, her positions on various game issues— plausible within the parameters of her assigned persona. And yet the role is indeterminate in the sense that each Indeterminate is expected to express some measure of her own character. This is an insoluble issue, insofar as none of us can fully determine to what extent our beliefs represent our independent, core sense of self and to what extent they are a consequence of what we have learned from our society and culture.
Try to comprehend that part of your “self” or “personality” that does not derive from your social or cultural upbringing. What sort of person would you be if you had grown up in radically different circumstances? You are to think, in short, “If I had been born into the circumstances of such a character, and lived his life, how would I respond to what is going on now and during the classes that follow?” Remember, too, that this is your life. So think creatively! You are a paragon of objectivity and
fairness. I’m supporting Feuillants (moderates), so write an essay about 600 words, to show my support of Feuillants (moderates), associate with another two undeterminates statement.

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