Close analysis of the sound in film sequence (Apocalypse Now ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ sequence)

Choose a sequence in a film and conduct a close analysis of the sound.

Chosen sequence: Apocalypse Now ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ sequence

Analysis of extract: 

You need to undertake a close analysis of the extract, in which you demonstrate your own personal observation and analysis of the extract, i.e., not just recount what you have read / heard about the extract / film. Make sure you pay attention to the type of sounds used, the aesthetic and technical approaches taken, and the audiovisual relationship, and that you use appropriate terminology to describe the different aspects of sound. 

These are all aspects that have been focused on in the theory-based sessions. The nine questions used as prompts on the slides headed ‘extracts analysis’ in the latter part of Session 2 and in Session 3 can help you identity areas to consider. Keep in mind that ‘analysis’ is not description; it is a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something (in this case, a film extract), and you need to identify key pertinent components and to consider their effect.

Engagement with supporting literature:

You must make explicit and robust engagement with at least one of the five essential readings on the module Reading List. You can also bring in other written (and audiovisual) resources provided for the module, and also from outside of the module if you wish.

Referencing of written and audiovisual supporting materials:

Any words, ideas or information you have taken from a source must be appropriately acknowledged in the body of your essay, at every point. This must done by using a recognised referencing system.  A bibliography and filmography must also be provided at the end of your essay. Refer to the ‘using and referencing sources’ guide in the Assessment tile for further guidance.

Organisation of work:

Organise your work to build up a structured argument, i.e., a focussed response to the brief. Start with a clearly defined introduction, followed by the main body of the essay, divided up into paragraphs with one topic per paragraph and a logical sequence of ideas across paragraphs, and end with a clearly defined conclusion. Your introduction needs to include an explanation of the extract you have chosen, i.e., what it is, its context in the film, and why you have selected it.

You are very strongly advised not to address the extract chronologically in your essay, i.e., do not tackle the extract from beginning to end. This almost inevitably will lead you into the trap of recounting plot, and / or repeating points, and / or exceeding the set wordage. Instead, organise your points thematically, with one clearly defined topic per paragraph. For example, you could organise your analysis around the different types of sound used (dialogue / narration; music; ambient sound / sound effects; silence) and have one paragraph on each, and then consider their interaction through mixing and editing.


Alleyne, Mike (2009) ‘Sound Technology – Sounds Reel: Tracking the Cultural History of Film Sound Technology’, in Harper, Graeme., Doughty, Ruth and Eisentraut, Jochen (eds), Sound and Music in Film and Visual Media: An Overview, New York: Continuum, 15-41

Sragow, Michael (2000) ‘The sound of Vietnam: How wizard Walter Murch created a soundtrack of horror for Francis Ford Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now” ‘, Salon, 27 April

Balazs, Bela (1985) ‘Theory of the Film: Sound’, in Belton, John and Weis, Elizabeth (eds) Film Sound: Theory and Practice, New York: Columbia University Press, 116-125

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