Think of an adverse legal situation you know of in
your healthcare industry that could happen to you in your practice. If you
cannot think of one offhand, do some research and base your defense argument on
a relevant case study. Do not forget to cite your sources.
a formal defense argument with background information and three topics.
Part 1: Introductory paragraph outlining the issues/topics to
be addressed.
Part 2: Background, facts, (May be many paragraphs)
Part 3: Issue/topic #1, summary of law/topic, examples,
research, citations (May be many paragraphs)
Part 4: Conclusion/opinion/answer and analysis to issue/topic
#1, if applicable (May be many paragraphs)
Part 5: Issue/topic #2, summary of law/topic #2, examples,
research, citations (May be many paragraphs)
Part 6: Conclusion/opinion/answer and analysis to issue/topic
#2, if applicable (May be many paragraphs)
Part 7: Issue/topic #3, summary of law/topic #3, examples,
research, citations (May be many paragraphs)
Part 8: Conclusion/opinion/answer and analysis to issue/topic
#3, if applicable (May be many paragraphs)
(Continue parts until all issues/topics are addressed in the
paper, this is a 3-topic outline but you may have more.)
paragraph containing main point of each topic.