Peer Review Instructions
Review each group member’s background information and needs statement in the grant template. Provide a score based on the information provided in the Making a Difference Grant Application Scoring ( Please see attached instructions on how to get into Canvas and how to access this scoring guide). Because this is a draft, your score is measuring where your peers’ work is at this moment and will not be used for grading. The purpose of this exercise is to collaborate to strengthen the background information and needs statement for your peers, learn how to interpret rubrics/scoring sheets, and provide strength-based constructive feedback. Peer reviews should include specific examples to demonstrate the quality of the background information and needs statement along with clear and thoughtful recommendations that provide ways for your peers to improve and/or strengthen it.
Access Grant Proposal Milestones and Peer Review Tips and Example for peer review tips and example. ( Please see attached instructions on how to get into Canvas and how to access this example).
Provide feedback on each section of your group members’ drafts:
Background Information
- Score
- Provide one strength and why it is a strength and one recommendation with suggestions for this section using the Making a Difference Grant Application Scoring, as well as other things you have learned in the course.
Needs Assessment
- Score
- Provide one strength and why it is a strength and one recommendation with suggestions for this section using the Making a Difference Grant Application Scoring, as well as other things you have learned in the course.
Please post your peer reviews as shown in the example. In other words, please don’t reply by attaching a Word document.
**Below I have attached directions on how to view the directions, score guide, and example in my canvass. This MUST BE USED. I have provided each peer that I have to review below.
Peer #1- Bryant- Please see his background and needs statement attached.
Peer #2- Parkhurst
This agency continues to evaluate and create programs relevant to its programs, such as Program Sustainability, Financial Sustainability, Marketing, and Branding. It has proven this strength by holding the record for the fastest food aid to reach the 10 million mark for pounds of food distributed annually to people in need and the 20 million mark (Three Square-GuideStar-Profile, n.d.).
The recommendation would be for Three Squares to research the cause of at-risk families in need, possible oppressions, and other changes in the framework that would prevent instead of repair. If it is reaching the 10 million mark the fastest of any food aid then this could mean that it has the most need on the Clark County Nevada region more than any other region in the country. It is impossible to highlight the factors contributing to the food crisis or circumstance as statistics are not available at this time. The gap in food aid is researching the cause of the food crisis and “feeding” the crisis because of the lack of knowledge. The best practice is to correct the need for food aid. Feeding America statistics show food insecurity increased in Nevada 24.8% between 2019 and 2021 (Nevada Department of Health & Human Services Food Security Strategic Plan 2023, 2023). This astounding rate will not stop if the cause is not identified but identifying the cause could drop the statistics instead of continuing to watch them rise.
Nevada Department of Health & Human Services Food Security Strategic Plan 2023. (2023). Retrieved February 14, 2024, from
THREE SQUARE – GuideStar Profile. (n.d.).