Using the essay that in files complete this
The methodology paper
Ensure that your methodology paper addresses the following questions:
Research Question and Hypothesis
Clearly state your research question and hypothesis.
Conceptualization and Operationalization
Define your concepts or variables precisely.
How will you measure these variables?
Research Design
Identify your chosen research design, with an exclusive focus on survey design.
Clarify the flexibility in survey formats, including online, in-person, phone, and email surveys.
Participant Perspective
Walk through each step of your study from a participant’s perspective.
Explain how participants hear about the study.
Justification for Research Design
Explain why your research design is the most suitable for your research.
Alternative Design
Identify an additional design that could have been used but was not chosen.
After addressing these questions in the written portion, proceed to create the measurement instrument (survey/questionnaire) for data collection. Attach it as an appendix. If you use Google Forms for your survey, provide a link to your survey at the end of your paper. I must review your survey before you administer it. Make sure your survey includes a minimum of four demographic questions.
The written portion, excluding the survey, should be approximately three pages long.
The measurement instrument (survey/questionnaire) is not included in the page count. Its length will depend on your variable construction and the number of variables to be measured.
General Formatting Guidelines for Writing Assignments and Papers:
Do NOT include a cover sheet.
Margins should be one-inch. (MS Word’s default is 1.25”)
Double-space and use a 10-12 point readable font (Times New Roman is standard).
What I’m looking for:
I’m looking to ascertain your comprehension of the selected data collection method and your rationale for choosing it in relation to your research question. Additionally, I will assess whether you have established appropriate measures for your variables and developed a comprehensive survey.
As we’ve done previously, please arrange a meeting with me to discuss the particulars of your methodology.