For each article, answer the following questions in one paragraph.
-The main purpose of the article is __________. State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for conducting the research.
-The key question the author is addressing is _________. Determine the key question or concept in the author’s mind when writing the article.
-The main hypotheses or predictions of the study are _______. Describe briefly the variable the author was examining and any predictions that were made.
-How did the researcher collect the information (methodology)? Describe the population and measures used. (you must answer this question but the following question is optional.
-This study used a ________ design and the statistics performed included _________ (only state if applicable). Describe the statistics used if applicable and briefly state the design of the study (i.e., experimental, descriptive, correlational, etc.)
-The main inferences or conclusions in this study are _______. Identify the key conclusions the author comes to from the research.
-The limitations of the study are ________. If the author states the limitations, state what they are.
-Future research should ______. State what the authors suggest should be the focus of future research.
*Briefly describe how this is relevant to your research study or how it guided the development of your research question. (very important question!)
1.How were women traditionally thought of if they did commit violent crimes
2.explores sentencing disparities in gang crimes/juvenile delinquency
Young women and young men and how are they regarded by juries by prosecutors
Who gets charges dropped, who gets prosecuted
3. explores sentencing disparities in filicide
Men who kill their children
Women who kill their children
4.sentencing outcomes for gender and sex predators or sex crimes
5.What is done to create more equal decision making or will gender always influence judicial discretion and juror perception?
Two source you can use: