This is not a
paper but information to support a bigger paper in which additional case studies
are needed to support or not support changing the Classification of Cannabis
allowing the VA to provide alternative pain therapies to veterans. This is a
DOCUMENT ANALYSIS of those case studies that you find that need summarizing,
visualizing, and extracting insights based on the research questions below. Be
sure to explain why document analysis is important (for or against) using
reference like government documents and academic
case studies related to one of the RQ questions provided to tie in to why document
analysis is important. Then use the thematic analysis to identify patterns
with emerging thymes and differences from case studies to become the categories
for analysis and build the triangulation based on the qualitative
phenomenology research questions RQ1,RQ2, RQ3. Provided is an
abstract to help provide additional information to support framing the document
analysis (you do not need to include the abstract this should focus on the
document analysis with visualization and summarizing documents from Scholarly
Articles or Case studies from the last 5 years or has been referenced within
the last five year. By comparing 2 or 3 academic case studies per RQ to
determine their similarities and differences ensuring authenticity, check and
acknowledge biases and provide in APA format with links to source from within
the last 5 years, Times New roman, 12pitch double spaced with at least 10
scholarly articles/case studies to support.
Outline provided, feel free to add if
you feel I have missed anything
is Document Analysis (a paragraph)
are the advantages and limitations of document analysis for qualitative
studies. (try to include an example case study to show advantages and another
for limitations)
Thematic Analysis as a Qualitative Method (a
this document/case study/government document? For each document/case
study/scholarly article used)
· Authenticity
· Credibility
· Representativeness
· Meaning
· Summary
Chart the emergent themes based on document analysis
- Be sure
to identify patterns in the data, extract useful information and
determine how it applies to the question around the research questions
Date of the document:
Author of the document:
For what audience was the document written?
Where did this document come from?
What’s this document about?
Why is this document useful in this qualitative phenomenology study.
Why do you think this document was written?
Is there biases and what are they?
What evidence(3 things author said) in the document helps you know why it was
written? Quote from the document.
Key words or pattern seen
These are the research questions
notice it is based around administrative, policy and organization factors… See testing document analysis. The draft with notes is something someone else provided but isnot a document analysis. Please be sure yours is not a paper but document analysis. I’ve attached a doucment analysis to help.