Students will create an applied
project based on an actual public administration issue relevant to their
current (or former) workplace or profession. It should be an examination of a
particular public administration issue that is relevant
to operational practice
and performance, and which has a potential solution(s). From that
perspective, the project should be prepared as if it was an internal consulting
report to be presented to the organization’s decision makers. In general terms,
the intent of the project
is to identify a public administration matter or issue (e.g., budget, evaluation, etc.)
that the student can approach using the knowledge obtained in the program.
Format: See Capstone Instructions in the course shell.
Grading for papers will be based on the completeness of the project
relative to the topic analyzed
and how well the topic integrates the concepts learned in public
administration. All capstone projects will be submitted in Week 7. NO PROJECTS
The written submission for the
applied project will be a minimum of 15 typewritten pages and a maximum of 20
typewritten pages (Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced typing, with
one inch margins all around). Students will use the APA standard method of
noting references. All APA publication rules will be observed. Poor writing
quality will produce a substantially lower grade. Proper spelling, grammar, and
syntax are important. The purpose of a project is to gather research on a
particular topic from a number of legitimate resources, which in turn will be used to develop
the project. The key to the
written portion is to compare and contrast the research, in relation to the
Papers will be uploaded
to the Turnitin site on the course webpage to detect the incidence of plagiarism.
The idea of the paper is to talk about retention in the police department for non sworn employees and how they have entirely too much work without recognition