U.S. History Research Paper 2023-2024
An Introduction
For your Junior year research project, you will be choosing a topic centered in some way on civil rights to research and write an argumentative research paper. The goal of this assignment is to improve your historical thinking skills and to continue to develop your historical argumentation as well as your analysis and research skills. Additionally, it will allow you the opportunity to explore a topic of your choice in depth. You will either choose from a list of possible topics or choose a topic of your own with teacher approval. I encourage you to talk with family, and select a subject you will enjoy spending time reading and writing about.
Key Due Dates and Information
Item: Due Date: Points:
Topic/Essential Question February 19 5 Annotated Bibliography, Notes and Draft Thesis March 1 30
Outline March 8 30
Final Paper March 21/22 100
Number/Type of Sources
You must use a minimum of 6 scholarly sources (textbooks, dictionaries, and general encyclopedias are NOT scholarly sources)
Of the 6 sources
A minimum of 2 databases
A minimum of 4 primary sources and 2 secondary sources
(Primary resources are a classification. Something may be a book and classified as a primary source if it was written at the time of the event or by someone who was a witness to the event.)
One book source
Minimum/Maximum Length
Your paper must be about 6 to 8 pages. This page count does not include footnotes, bibliography, or cover page.
Required Format
You must follow Chicago style. You may consult the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/). This includes using Times New Roman, 12 point font with one inch margins all the way around.
Firm Due Dates
The final research paper is due on March 21/22th even if you are absent. Please see the late policy for long term projects/papers in the syllabus. The outline must also be turned in to Turnitin.com by 11:59pm on the due date.
If you scored below a 70% on your research paper, you have the option to revise and resubmit your outline for a score no higher than a 70%. Students who choose to resubmit their paper must turn in their second draft (date to be determined) with your original outline.
Please note that students must make significant revisions when re-submitting their outline. Resubmitted outline grades will replace the original grade.
Other Details
More specific criteria for the annotated bibliography, notes, thesis statement, outline and paper details will be provided as each part of your work is introduced.