explain, define, and defend why the contract managers code of
ethics is important in the field of acquisition. If you chose this topic, consider the impact on the
profession of those that have acted ethically and unethically.
This final paper should be between 8 to 10 pages for the content, not counting the title page or the reference page.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than 8 pages.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
follow this order:
Define your topic*
Explain your topic*
Defend your position about your topic*
Future Research Recommendation
Attached is a file with the first draft I did. please use that as a guide but go into deeper explanation and research.