Communication skills within a family system: exploring the parent-child relationships – corrections

Regarding the title, perhaps you could add the element of interplay of effective communication, emotional bonding, and psychological development, and have a title similar to this: Exploring the
impact of communication within a family system though the interplay of
communication, emotional bonding, and psychological development: A
parent-child relationship exploration—- Just a though, you can keep
the title that you have now.

The research objectives and research question work well.

In the significance section, please delete reference to secondary data
as you do not have collected secondary data rather you have done a
literature review which is different.

How do familial norms influence communication dynamics within parent-child relationships?

What are the common challenges or barriers to effective communication
within families, and what strategies are proposed for overcoming them?

What impact does parental communication style have on child development and family dynamics?

What interventions or programs have been developed to enhance communication skills within families?

The answer to these questions (which emerges from your literature, and
therefore needs to be supported by studies), and perhaps to more, will
consist the contributions of your study. and will lead to relevant

Chapter 2 and 3 work well, please add an chapter introduction and conclusion (for every chapter)

In chapter 4, It is good to see these three main approaches. However,
you need to justify why you have selected these three for your study. To
do so, after the presentation of the three approaches, please add a
section where you compare them or overall draw some conclusions from
drawing on these three theories to help you explore the topic of the

Chapter 5 works well.

Chapter 6 works also
well. I am wondering is 6.3. needs to come at the start of the chapter
to set the scene but I will leave this for you to decide. Section 6.4 is
an important section in your study. Could you perhaps build on it by
adding a section on overcoming dysfunctional communication?

Chapter 7 set some important issues on the topic. I think here you could
emphasise the impact more. For example, when you look at the role of
the school can you indicate what is the impact that the school has in
managing problematic behaviour, what policies or practices are in place
to assist with this? when it comes to divorce where the communication
breaks down, does the council/government has a role by setting out rules
of engagement etc. This does not have to be much, just a paragraph or
so at the end of each section.

I consider all the above minor changes. However, I would have to recommend more changes to the conclusions chapter.

This is where the power of your dissertation is. You have presented a
very interesting problem that you have explored from various angles. Now
you have to indicate the implications of your study.

You need
to relate on what you have discussed in the previous sections and
illustrate the implications/learning. For example, reading your
dissertation I can see that it addresses the following questions:

What are the key communication skills identified in the literature as essential for healthy parent-child relationships?

How do communication patterns vary across different stages of child
development, and what impact do these variations have on parent-child

How do fam…

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