Criticially Evaluation of Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) as a Physiotherapy Assessment (Criticism Essay)

This is a criticism essay and the topic is the evaluation of manual muscle test (mmt) as a physiotherapy assessment. 


1 – Introduce the assessment technique using appropriately referenced evidence.

2 – Discuss the technique in some detail; you may want to consider its:

  • Usefulness
  • Effectiveness
  • Practicality
  • Relevance
  • Reliability

3 – Summarise your key arguments and make a concluding statement.

Remember, this is not an OPINION piece; you need to consider a balanced approach and utilise the research/evidence to inform/support/argue your discussion.

What is expected of me in this assessment?

You are expected to complete the assessment by writing, editing and redrafting your own words.  Increasingly people are using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist in their professional work including higher education learning and study.  SGUL have developed some guidance on how you might use AI to support your learning Generative AI technologies (  However using AI to generate the assessment either wholly or in part is still considered academic misconduct – see the guidance here AI and academic misconduct (   Therefore if it is suspected that the assessment submission has been generated by AI (wholly or in part), then you may be required to show evidence of previous drafts, and it may require instigating the Academic Integrity Procedure

Criteria Ratings
Addressing the assessment objectives and relevant module learning outcome(s)

COMPREHENSIVELY addresses ALL the assessment objectives and relevant module learning outcome(s) throughout the assessment
CONSISTENTLY addresses ALL the assessment objectives and relevant module learning outcome(s) throughout the assessment
EFFECTIVELY addresses ALL the assessment objectives and relevant module learning outcome(s) throughout the assessment OR COMPREHENSIVELY addresses SOME of the assessment objectives and relevant module learning outcome(s) throughout the assessment
EFFECTIVELY addresses SOME of the assessment objectives and relevant module learning outcome(s) throughout the assessment
LIMITED or FAILS to address the assessment objectives and relevant module learning outcome(s) throughout the assessment
Content and range of knowledge displayed Use of literature / Evidence of reading

Demonstrates GOOD and CONSISTENT factual and/or conceptual knowledge base Evidence of independent reading from a RANGE of appropriate sources. Demonstrates CONSISTENT COMMENTARY on results AND methodology and sources of bias in literature
Demonstrates GOOD BUT INCONSISTENT factual and/or conceptual knowledge base CONSISTENT evidence of reading from DIRECTED REFERENCE list for module only. Demonstrates CONSISTENT COMMENTARY on results OR methodology and sources of bias in literature
Demonstrates BASIC factual and/or conceptual knowledge base SOME evidence of reading from DIRECTED REFERENCE list for module. Demonstrates BASIC COMMENTARY on results OR methodology and sources of bias in literature
Demonstrates LIMITED factual and/or conceptual knowledge base LIMITED evidence reading from DIRECTED REFERENCE list for module. Demonstrates LIMITED COMMENTARY on results OR methodology and sources of bias in literature
Demonstrates POOR or NO factual and/or conceptual knowledge base NO evidence of reading relevant to the module. Demonstrates NO COMMENTARY on results OR methodology and sources of bias in literature
Application of theoretical concepts

Demonstrates CONSISTENT integration of theoretical concepts and relates them to practice situations. Demonstrates CONSISTENT AWARENESS of service user OR broader professional or social context
Demonstrates EFFECTIVE integration of theoretical concepts and relates them to practice situations. Demonstrates EFFECTIVE AWARENESS of service user OR broader professional or social context
Demonstrates SOME integration of theoretical concepts and OCCASIONALLY relates them to practice situations. Demonstrates SOME AWARENESS of service user OR broader professional or social context
Demonstrates LIMITED integration of theoretical concepts and DOES NOT relate them to practice situations. Demonstrates LIMITED awareness of service user OR broader professional or social context
Demonstrates NO integration of theoretical concepts and DOES NOT relate them to practice situations. Demonstrates NO awareness of service user OR broader professional or social context
Critical reasoning, analysis and evaluation of process

CONSISTENT use of established techniques of analysis relevant to the discipline. Demonstrates GOOD CRITICAL insight and DEMONSTRATES alternative positions / approaches. CONSISTENT evaluation of information to reach balanced conclusions / perspectives
EFFECTIVE use of established techniques of analysis relevant to the discipline. Demonstrates EFFECTIVE insight and DEMONSTRATES alternative positions / approaches. EFFECTIVE evaluation of information to reach conclusions / perspectives
ROUTINE use of established techniques of analysis relevant to the discipline. Demonstrates OCCASIONAL insight OR alternative positions / approaches. Evaluation of information to reach conclusions / perspectives is demonstrated but INCOMPLETE
LIMITED use of established techniques of analysis relevant to the discipline. Demonstrates LIMITED insight AND LIMITED AWARENESS of alternative positions / approaches. Evaluation of information to reach conclusions / perspectives is LIMITED OR UNBALANCED
INEFFECTIVE OR LACK OF use of established techniques of analysis relevant to the discipline. Demonstrates NO insight OR AWARENESS of alternative positions / approaches. Evaluation of information to reach conclusions / perspectives is ABSENT or VERY unbalanced
Coherence and organisation of assessment (argument)

Introduction and Conclusion CONSISTENT with key points. COHERENT organisation of assessment AND CLEAR presentation of ALL KEY points.
Introduction and Conclusion EFFECTIVE and reflects MOST key points. COHERENT organisation of assessment AND EFFECTIVE presentation of KEY points.
Introduction and Conclusion ROUTINE and reflects SOME key points. SOUND organisation of assessment with SOME KEY points presented INCONSISTENTLY.
Introduction and Conclusion present but UNCLEAR in relation to key points. SOME organisation of assessment with SOME points presented BUT not FOCUSSED.
Introduction and Conclusion NOT PRESENTED or VERY UNCLEAR. POOR organisation of assessment with SOME points presented BUT not RELEVANT or VERY UNCLEAR.
Communication clarity and style – incl. spelling, grammar, punctuation, reference style

Sentences FLUENT and easy to follow. Grammar and spelling – CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT Demonstrates EFFECTIVE communication style appropriate to the task. Presentation is CLEAR and has visual impact. Sources used are EFFECTIVELY acknowledged in the text Reference list and in text citations MAINLY ADOPT recommended style.
Sentences CLEAR and RELATIVELY easy to follow. Grammar and spelling – MINOR ERRORS Demonstrate EFFECTIVE communication style in SOME aspects of the task Presentation is CLEAR and has SOME visual impact. Sources used are acknowledged in the text Reference list and in text citations ADOPT recommended style with SOME ERRORS
Sentences SOUND but OCCASIONALLY DIFFICULT to follow. Grammar and spelling – SEVERAL ERRORS Demonstrates APPROPRIATE communication style in SOME aspects of the task Presentation SOUND but LIMITED CONSIDERATION of visual impact. Sources used are OCCASIONALLY acknowledged in the text Reference list and in text citations ATTEMPTED with SEVERAL ERRORS OR MIXED STYLES
Sentences GENERALLY UNDERSTANDABLE but DIFFICULT to follow Grammar and spelling – SUBSTANTIAL ERRORS Demonstrates APPROPRIATE communication style but INCONSISTENT Presentation BASIC AND LACKS CONSIDERATION of visual impact. Sources used are RARELY acknowledged in the text Reference list and in text citations ATTEMPTED but NOT in recommended style
Sentences PARTIALLY UNDERSTANDABLE OR INCOMPREHENSIBLE Grammar and spelling – VERY INCONSISTENT Demonstrates INAPPROPRIATE communication style or VERY INCONSISTENT Presentation INCONSISTENT AND NO CONSIDERATION of visual impact. Sources LIMITED or NOT acknowledged in the text Reference list and in text citations INCOMPLETE or LIMITED and NOT in recommended style
Oral Presentation incl. voice, gestures & posture, eye contact, audience

Voice CLEAR & expression VARIABLE Gestures, posture & eye-contact VARIABLE and CONFIDENT Interaction with audience PROACTIVE AND RESPONSIVE
Voice AUDIBLE & expression VARIABLE Gestures, posture & eye-contact VARIABLE and OCCASIONALLY CONFIDENT Interaction with audience RESPONSIVE
Voice AUDIBLE & expression LACKS EFFECTIVE Gestures, posture & eye-contact REPETITIVE and OCCASIONALLY CONFIDENT Interaction with audience OCCASIONALLY RESPONSIVE
Voice BARELY AUDIBLE & expression INEFFECTIVE Gestures, posture & eye-contact REPETITIVE and LACKS CONFIDENCE Interaction with audience RARE
Voice INCOMPREHENSIBLE & expression LIMITED Gestures, posture & eye-contact WITHDRAWN or INAPPROPRIATE Interaction with audience NOT ATTEMPTED
Reflective practice and personal and professional development

EFFECTIVE INSIGHT in recognition of achievements EFFECTIVELY IDENTIFIES learning needs and develops CLEAR action plans Evaluation of personal development PROFESSIONAL
DEMONSTRATES recognition of achievements IDENTIFIES learning needs and develops action plans Evaluation of personal development SOUND but more ONE-SIDED
DEMONSTRATES recognition of SOME achievements IDENTIFIES SOME learning needs and action plans Evaluation of personal development ATTEMPTED but may be BIASED
DEMONSTRATES recognition of SOME achievements IDENTIFIES SOME learning needs and action plans Evaluation of personal development ATTEMPTED but may be BIASED
Recognition of achievements, learning needs and action plans and evaluation of personal development LIMITED, NOT DEMONSTRATED or UNPROFESSIONAL
Complies with word count policy – does not exceed words count as stated in the module handbook

No – penalty applied
Evidence / suspicion of plagiarism

Yes – investigation required
Observes policy on anonymity/ confidentiality

No – penalty applied
Not Applicable
Unethical practice and evidence of gaining ethical approval not provided

Not Applicable
Yes – automatic fail, investigation required.

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