The analysis must have an introduction (summary of the legal case and your thesis), a body, and conclusion. The 2,250 word count does not include the title or bibliography pages.
- What overall impact did this case have on HR practice?
Who filed the case and what was the result or relief they were seeking?
How did the court find for the plaintiff (person who filed the lawsuit) and the defendant
(usually the employer)?
Did either party appeal the original court decision? To what court did the appeal get heard?
What was the outcome of the appeal hearing? Address the rationale for the appeal court’s
decision. Was it overturned? Did they confirm the lower court’s decision, or remand it back
to a lower court?
Does the outcome of this case actually resolve the problem? Provide a detailed explanation
of your reasoning with support. Does your assessment agree or disagree with the HR
professional you interviewed?
How do HR professionals comply with the legal and regulatory intent of the outcomes of the
If you were the senior HR professional in an organization faced with a similar situation, how
would you address this issue to avoid legal action?