Thesis. Your essay must be governed by a thesis that (a) responds directly to the essay topic, (b) is arguable, and (c) is stated at the end of the first paragraph having clearly defined all the central terms.
Textual Support. Your thesis must be supported by major interpretive claims (topic sentences) that are supported by at least one appropriate quote or allusion per body paragraph. Your ability to select, interpret, and apply the appropriate textual evidence is key to doing well with the essay. Additionally, you should illustrate your argument with at least one example drawn from your own life, observations, or engagement with other texts, movies, plays, etc.
Reasoning. You must consistently use and apply logical reasoning in developing your thesis.
Writing.Your essay must be written well. There should be no awkward sentences, rough transitions between paragraphs, incoherent paragraphs, extraneous information/unnecessary sentences, typos, or stylistic errors.
Overview: You should answer the question, supporting your interpretation with evidence from the assigned texts and illustrating it with examples from your own life, observations, or engagement with other texts, movies, plays, etc.
Please please don’t use google but instead use the book freud civilization and its discontents to write this essay. Since google does not give Frueds correct interpreation. Google only gives the general defintion.