PPT Topic Presentation + Responses 20% + 7.5%
Based on your chosen topic, you will record a 5 to 7 (five to seven) minute PowerPoint presentation, that you will upload to the PPT Presentation section of the Discussion section of the course website on February 26 by 10:00 pm.
name Your Last Name Presentation (ie. Whitaker Presentation). You can insert audio files into
each slide or have them playing over your whole presentation. Please do not upload to YouTube or Google Drive and provide a link, it needs to be in PowerPoint so I can download it.
The presentation will essentially be what needs to go in the introduction of your essay (so see above for those specifics). Be sure to include relevant information including when the disease
was first discovered, and by whom, where the disease is/was prevalent geographically (and potentially the time period if it isn’t present day), the cause of the disease, symptoms and
diagnosis, treatment (if there is one and its potential success) and lasting effects. The first slide will be your title slide, be sure to introduce yourself and your disease with the specific Genus
and species names. A final slide will show a Reference List with a minimum of 4 (four) scholarly references consulted in required referencing format (American Antiquity). You do not need to
cite the images you will use but be sure there are enough to inform your audience (this means you should have images on every slide), images of the expression of the disease, geographic
maps, tables, graphs, and others may be helpful. Your slides should not be text heavy, just say the information, your slides should mainly be visuals. As this is very much connected to your
essay, you should be using the same or similar sources. Finally, do not use Wikipedia or other non–peer reviewed websites or sources unless it is expressly for the purposes of images. An
exception to this rule would be government run health websites such as the WHO, CDC, NHS or Health Canada. If you are going to use these sources, you must follow the referencing format as
detailed in the Written Assessment Style Guide. Please contact me if you are unsure of an appropriate source before you lose marks for using it.