Purpose: Deepen the understanding of the way
mental health is portrayed in the media, and how historical events have shaped
the current resources and referral options available for those with mental
health issues.
Instructions: In assigned groups of 3-4, research
and present on a specific period in history and a specific form of media. Each
group will be assigned a period in history and will identify a form of media,
such as newspaper, TV shows, movies, etc. The group will then conduct research
on how mental health was portrayed in that specific form of media during that
period in history. They will also research the resources and referral options
available for those with mental health issues during that time period. After
completing their research, the group will create a presentation to share their
findings with the class.
PERIOD: 1990-2000
Use this journal article as one of the resources: Manderscheid, R. W., Henderson, M. J., Witkin, M. J., & Atay, J. E. (2000). The US mental health system of the 1990s: The challenges of managed care. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 23(3–4), 245–259. https://doi-org.csulb.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/S0160-2527(00)00035-2.