Use the attachement and work completed so far, to expand and add to the work. Use the information in this section to help with the assignment and the blue guidelines with in the document to help. DO NOT delete any of the instructions in blue.
Continue Working
Continue drafting chapters 1-3 of this Prospectus using the Dissertation/DSP Prospectus notes/gudelines in blue .
Continue drafting chapter 3, including the Research Methodology and
Design, Population and Sample Selection, Data Collection, Data Analysis,
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations. -
Explain any ethical issues and how you will address those in the Ethical
Assurances section of chapter 3. Include in this discussion a
description of the Institutional Review Board approval process that you
will need to complete. - Further develop chapter 1.
- Further develop chapter 2. Note: chapter 2
should be at least 20 pages long. - 30+ additional references are expected for this .
- Use the feedback from below “Fix the following”to revise the work further.
- Draft the Data Analysis section of chapter 3.
Fix the following
Continue to expand outlined topics in Chapter 2 to so that Chapter 2
meets minimum length of 20 pages. This should be 20+ pages once the
instructions are removed. It is already at 11 pages. - Make Sure to update Table 1 to match Chapter 3 components.
- Field testing was discussed before the field testing sectio, correct this
- Sampling was discusses in the data collection section, and should only be discussed in the sample section.
- Ensure your reader only sees something once per chapter.
- Data analysis needs to explain a process and the steps to complete that process, such as Braun and Clarke.
- Take the “Synthesis of literature” from that annotated bibliography style and move it into a synthesis of literature, in chapter 2 things don’t need to be a book report format, and what I mean by a book report format is simply each paragraph just defining another article . “This author said this, this author said that, another author said this” What synthesis meaning I want to describe what is the consensus of literature among multiple authors who agree with this point and are there any contentions about this topic within the literature and I’m gonna cite contentions so it’s more of a comparison and contrast of what is everybody in general say about this topic And or what are the Trip of this topic as shown by multiple research studies right and where you’re going to not just say this, Authur said this that Authur said that, but you’re going to say, after looking at these research studies citation there was a consensus that this topic did this or that there was an outcome of this is making sure that we’re not just reporting each individual article which is how you start with the annotated comparing one article at a time now you’re putting it all together by concept or theory