This order is for the proposal, please advise on the required number of pages before hiring!
hello, the proposal should be covering what will be presented in the thesis/dissertation, so whoever is working on proposal should do the thesis as well, as they will know better what is their approach. if you see this is the best approach then I don’t mind, but I really need a good work at the end.
lets say 2500 words for proposal is good I think, and after I receive the acceptance from university board, then we can work on the thesis
The same writer will be hired for the second order (the thesis)
around 12000 words for the thesis
The proposed title for this thesis/dissertation is
“Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Future of Aviation Safety Management Systems with an Eye on Balanced Discovery and Potential Transformations”. The title can be reworded as to fit within the context.
I’m in the process of placing an order for thesis/dissertation. but I need firstly the write to share with me the written proposal, that needs to be submitted way ahead of the thesis. The proposal should include the following: – Research Proposal, – Project/Thesis Details (Project/Thesis Title, Proposal Summary, Topic Literature Review, objectives, Project Outcomes, Why are you interested in the project, What are the key questions the project attempts to answer, What Research Methods intend to use?, What primary and/or secondary data sources intend to use?, provide draft chapter heading for report, plan, and list of references) After all that , the writer can start the thesis
As long as the proposal have enough details to cover for the thesis I dont have a specific number of words for the proposal.
Check the file.