Choose an existing company/brand from an “emerging” economy and conduct a detailed internal
analysis on it. (For ideas you may wish to visit
international markets.
economy (e.g., India, Mexico, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, South Africa, and
) or a specific brand/product marketed
by the company (e.g., Ben & Jerry1
sure there are some markets the company does not operate in so that you can use the company for
Assignment 2.
Pecha Kucha provides you with a number of skills you will need in the workplace, do go ahead and add
these to your resume:
1. Simplifies and focuses communications
2. Discipline and structure
3. Better slide design
4. Requires practice (importance of rehearsing)
5. Improves public speaking abilities
1. Analytic depth and intellectual quality (30%)
Analytic depth and comprehensiveness of the company and industry analysis
Depth of synthesis of the module concepts in drawing arguments
2. Structure & organization of the argument (20%)
Comprehensiveness and clarity of the presentation
Logical flow of the ideas
3. Level of reading and evidence of the use of academic and industry data (20%)
4. Pace and timing (10%)
5. Use of visuals (10%)
6. Reference style (10%)
• Make sure to demonstrate your reading by using on slide citations, by mentioning some authors in your
speech and by providing a full list of references (i.e. bibliography). Use Harvard referencing style.
• Choose/create ‘smart’ visuals that add something to your analysis
• Be both analytical as well as creative!