Write a Descriptive Research Essay or Expository Research
Essay about Top 3 Leading causes of death in adolescents and young adults and
how we can prevent them. The paper should examine a condition, situation,
scenario specific to a stage in the lifespan (ex. Crises, aging, “failure to
launch”, marriage/divorce, empty nest, sandwich generation, etc.). The paper
must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font.
The paper should also include a reference list. A minimum of three credible
references must be utilized. The American Psychological Association format must
also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between four and six pages
in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.).
I made a thesis already here it is:
Despite advancements in healthcare, adolescents and young
adults continue to face significant risks of mortality, primarily attributed to
three leading causes: accidents, suicide, and homicide