You will read and prepare a brief and well in depth presentation summarizing the relevant points of information contained in a article. demonstrate the ability to read, understand and identify key points in a reading.
Read article and take notes, identifying the most important points in the article.
Write your Powerpoint presentation about your article (12 slide minimum) (reference page is on the 12th page). Follow the format below:
Introduction to the article
What is the title?
Who is/are the authors?
Who published the article?
Briefly tell us what the article is about in 1-2 sentences.
Important information in the article
5 points
Synthesize the article with other class material ( will be adding a study guide so you can incorporate that class material
Consider other concepts that you have learned either in this module or in past modules.
Discuss how this article relates to that learning and increases our understanding of the past and present learning
Summarize what you have told us in the introduction and body of your presentation
Summarize your synthesis
Be sure to put your points into your own words and maintain a TURNITIN Score below 20%.
Be sure to include a reference page at the end of your presentation using APA format