you must discuss FOUR of the following topics within Parkinsons disease
Underlying neurological factors supported by neuroimaging studies. here you can discuss 1. brain imagining techniques that demonstrate structural changes, 2. Aetiological factors that lead the disease developing.
behavioral and coignitive changes in a parkinsons disease person compared to healthy one.
ROLE OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM 1. what are some of the hormonal systems impacted by the disease, 2.what behavioural and emotional changes do we find ? How can drugs be used to influence these implicated systems?
· ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Please discuss 1-How do patients in this disorder vary on tests of executive function and attention? 2. what might be the coignitive and biological route for these differences? 3. what are the real-world implications of these differences?
and MEMORY, here please discuss how do patients in this disease vary in the multi faceted aspects of memory
are the differences broad across all memory or only in specific domain? what are the implications in real world setting?
Please use psychology published journals to create a critical review and opposing opinions
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