Research Question: How does increased investment in education impact workforce
productivity, income inequality, and overall economic growth?
This is data analysis project . The focus here is the data analysis: pose a question, find and analyze some data, and present the results. Encouraged to make your own charts and graphs using excel from raw data On this topic. Data can include national and
international education statistics, labor market data, income distribution data, and
economic growth indicators. From the data analysis, aim to identify trends,
correlations, and potential causal relationships between education investment and the
specified economic outcomes. Also should justify what policies and what changes happened that led to the investment or changes.
specified economic outcomes. Also should justify what policies and what changes happened that led to the investment or changes.
Slides for your in-class presentation (15 minutes)
Written Report (5-7 pages) ( double spaced )
Executive summary (max 1 page)
The presentation and written reports will be graded on:
Motivation: the research question is clear; interest in the topic is well motivated
Methodology: method is clear, data analysis is accurate and appropriate for answering the question; limitations are stated
Interpretation of results: the conclusions drawn from the data analysis are accurate; implications for the research question/policies are discussed
Presentation: the report is well organized, clear, easy to follow, and interesting
Data analysis results presented in accurate and easy to udnerstand figures/tables
Any sources used are cited