Select three publicly traded companies for investment purposes. Then, you will use financial ratios (Ex: Current ratio, P/E ratio, etc.) from your textbook to analyze your chosen companies. Your analysis will include a spreadsheet(s) of three ratios for each company as an appendix to the write-up. You do not need to attach the financial statements of your selected companies. They are for your own use to research and analyze your companies. You will answer the questions below in writing your report. Keep the report to two or three pages no more.
1) What were the criteria used in selecting the companies?
2) Compare and explain the results of the ratios.
3) Which company exceeded your expectations the most? What were the factors?
4) What are some of the vital lessons that you learned from that project?
5) How will your experience from that project influence your investing decisions in the future?
6) Based on your findings, allocate $500,000.00 in your selected companies and explain the rationale behind your allocation.
Enjoy the project!
Grading Rubric:
Ratio Analysis ………………………….……….40%
Interpretation and Conclusion…………..40%
Presentation of findings ……………..…….10%
Writing Quality……………………….…………5%
Sources of Research……………….…………5%