A Summary and Response Essay is made up of two parts: first, you will summarize the text (TED Talk).
Purpose : Then, in the rest of the paper, you will respond with your own personal reactions/ opinion.Your goal is to summarize, but with your own point in mind, ultimately sparking the spirit of conversation and reflection in your audience of readers. We want them to accept our response to the ted talk is important.
Talk as one that is important, valid.
Audience :magine that you are writing to an audience that has a vested interest in the topic of the speech, someone who you think might learn from the speech or who would value the discussion.
Tone: Your response should be inspired by something you really want to say or get across. If it is, a tone of urgency, reflection, or care should come through your words. You may use the first person POV in your response, but try to avoid it when summarizing.
specific requirements : At least 5 paragraphs (Intro/ Body/ Conclusion)
–Summary and paraphrase
–At least one direct quote from the source/ TED Talk
–MLA format and citations (add in-text and work cited page)
–At least 1 paragraph in the body must be made up of entirely summary.
–At least 2 paragraphs should contain your opinion/response to the speech
summary section : Who is the speaker? What was their purpose and what audience are they
addressing (Audience)? What was their stance?
What is the speaker’s thesis/ main idea? What subpoints or reasons does the speaker use toexplore these ideas? What evidence do they use to support their ideas?Organize these various parts of the summary in a way that is most logical to you. Keep in mind theserequirements and make sure that at least 1 body paragraph should be devoted to summary.
Response section:
In this section, you want to expand upon and jump into the conversation that has been started by the
TED Talk. If you were in conversation, what ideas or words might inspire you to speak up? You might
jump in if you have a reaction.
Urgency: You might write about why one of these ideas must be addressed now—why there is a
great need to do so. Who needs to hear these ideas? What should be done to address the
Make sure to share a genuine reaction to the speech. You will need to be able to expand upon the
idea in a specific way and a way that does not just repeat the speaker’s ideas, but expands, validates,
or raises additional questions.