This Essay should have a maximum word count of 1500, this does not include the reference list.
Key papers for this essay: (These should be used as references and citations)
Henry, J. D., MacLeod, M. S., Phillips, L. H., & Crawford, J. R. (2004). A meta-analytic
review of prospective memory and aging. Psychology and Aging, 19, 27-39.
Haas, M., Zuber, S., Kliegel, M., & Ballhausen, N. (2020). Prospective memory errors in
everyday life: Does instruction matter? Memory, 28(2), 196–203.
Niedźwieńska, A., Sołga, J., Zagaja, P., & Żołnierz, M. (2020). Everyday memory
failures across adulthood: Implications for the age prospective memory paradox. PLOS
ONE, 15(9), e0239581
The essay question relates to the counterintuitive finding reported in the literature on the
Age-Prospective Memory Paradox, which shows that while younger adults outperform
older adults in most laboratory tasks of prospective memory, older adults perform as well
as or even better than younger adults in studies conducted outside the laboratory with
naturalistic prospective memory tasks (first summarised in the meta-analyses by Henry et
al., 2004).