Include level 1 and level 2 headings
Critique the journal article, fully answering the questions in the table below
1. Introduction
– What is the research problem ?
-What are the research questions and hypothesis?
-Do the hypothesis state a predicted relationship between two or more variables?
2. Methods
– was the design experimental, quasi – experimental, or non – experimental ?
– What are the threats to the studies internal validity ?
– what type of sampling design was used and are the samples biases or weakness identified?
– What methods of data collection were utilized
3. Results
– identify the type of analysis undertaken to address each research question or test each hypothesis.
– were appropriate statistical methods used , given the level of measurement of the variables, number of groups being compared, and so on?
– how are important results presented ?
4. Discussion
– did the researchers discuss the study’s implications for clinical practice or future research and if so, were the implications grounded in the study evidence, and in evidence from earlier research ?