I have attached Part 1 of the assignment (Description of the client) that has been completed.
part 2 assignment is based on the information in part one. all infromation can be ktaken from part one
format assignmentmust follow
Part II: Assessment and Case Formulation (this is the assessment of the case which includes explanatory and change-oriented hypotheses)
- Focal Issues
- Nature, duration frequency, severity, and urgency
- Risk and protective factors; exceptions
- Contributing Factors
- Client system factors
- Situational, environmental, and systemic factors (in addition to prose, please include one relevant diagrams—genogram, culturagram, ecomap, spiritual ecomap, personal timeline)
- Motivation and readiness, stage of change
- Case Formulation (requires synthesis of information, proposes change-oriented hypotheses—often targets factors both within the client system and outside the client system (e.g., social and physical environment)
- Include two specific service goals based on a mutually agreed focus of work (the information identified in the assessment process)
- How would you engage the client in both the identification of such treatment goals (complete an action plan) and the complete the action steps needed to fulfill the treatment goals.