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- https://cdnsciencepub-com.ezproxy.lib.torontomu.ca/doi/full/10.1139/apnm-2019- 0772
. References are optional and should only be used to quote supplementary articles. Direct quotations of the article you critique are not permitted
Assignments must be typed in 12-point font and 1.5-spaced, with all pages numbered.
- Identify the research question or main objective, and justification of the research question or main objective (1 mark)
- Identify the study design and discuss the strengths and limitations of this design (2 marks)
- Describe the main result (there may be more than one result; pick the most important one) and whether it is consistent with research question/main objective (2 marks)
- Besides those already stated in the article,
a) Discuss two strengths of the study (2 marks) b) Discuss two limitations of the study (2 marks)
- Interpret the quality of the “Discussion” or “Conclusions” section of the article. Does this section effectively integrate the study findings into the relevant current research knowledge and discuss the study implications and meaningfulness? Justify your response (3 marks)
- In your opinion, are the results of the study valid? Justify your response (2 marks)
- In what ways was the study biased and unbiased? Justify your response (2 marks)
- Interpret how the study results could be used in clinical/professional practice (2 marks)
- Considering the cyclical nature of the research process and how study findings often generate research questions for future studies, discuss a possible future research direction generated out of the study (2 marks)
- What is your overarching evaluation of the study (e.g., consider whether the article was written in biased or value-free language, were ethical issues considered, was the article clearly written, etc.)? Justify your response (2 marks)
- *Grammar; writing style; clarity; and, if applicable, appropriate use of references (3 marks)