0 pts
The main idea is not clear and/or the connections between ideas are hard to follow. Examples are simplistic, repetitious and/or confusing. Paragraphs are overloaded and/or underdeveloped. Frequent errors in word choice, sentence structure, mechanics, and punctuation seriously affect clarity. Writing demonstrates limited understanding of audience and purpose relative to discipline.
0 pts
Main topic evident but not stated. Poor organization, lack of transitions, and poor paragraph structure. Evidence presented is generally and somewhat accurate, complete, and relevant. Examples are vague and loosely connected to the main idea. Frequent sentence structure errors. Mechanical errors are frequent. Some general knowledge of the subject. Theme, format, language are somewhat appropriate to the discipline.
0 pts
Main topic is clear. Organization is evident, but transitions are weak. Evidence presented is accurate and relevant. Examples generally support the main idea. Sentences are usually varied and may differ in length and structure. Word choices are clear. Some mechanical errors may be present. Demonstrates general knowledge of the subject. Theme, format, language are generally appropriate to the discipline.
0 pts
Topic and main idea are clearly supported by word choice. Organization of topic is clear and concise. Information is accurate, specific, and presented clearly to topic. Details and examples relate to the topic at hand. Structure of paper and paragraph transition is concise and easy to read. Clearly demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter. Minimal sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation errors.