Mid-Term Preparation (MTP) 3 – Discussion Post Feedback Loop – Evaluate Yourself
To start the MTP 3 process . . .
- Watch this 2-minute videoLinks to an external site. for a real-life example of a public health initiative (phi) that might spark your creative juices as you build your realistic but imaginary coalition…(Caution, this is Not an exemplar for your project).
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1MguaaWesM
- https://valenciacollege.zoom.us/rec/play/zMy6yLl0JDlPZ6mbJoOu1FQeS1yhZyw9gd_5WSVdgpD3VnDyLNC-7tBmwOiqhlMXg32PrdxYIQ7t2Fxh.3lWOzsqYTCC9uoLK?canPlayFromShare=true&from=share_recording_detail&continueMode=true&componentName=rec-play&originRequestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fvalenciacollege.zoom.us%2Frec%2Fshare%2F5bQ34w9_WWOSKrIDn9bnWDyAda5zlbKL2-JsChes1ME_q-JjzfKDNfENV8D_QD0U.Rdo3OiCkmMEHYWCG
- In your Discussion post & the completed Audio PowerPoint, you must create responses to the three (3) questions for each section
- Who is affected and how?
- What resources do we have in our county (maybe the same as in potential partners), and in our realistically imagined organization?
- Focus primarily on the items/supplies your coalition and its members have to do their work everyday (where will you work, what office supplies, software, hardware, meeting spaces)
- What resources do we need in our realistically imagined organization?
- Focus primarily on the items/supplies your coalition members will need but do not yet have to do their work everyday (where will you work, what office supplies, software, hardware, meeting spaces)
- See Healthy People 2020 Tools
- Brainstorm: Community Assets
- Exercise: Prioritizing Issues
This is one of the most important sections of building your coalition.
In this section, do not continue to describe the problem or what others can do.
What are you and your coalition members going to do–outside of the hospital, outside of a healthcare center–to help the problem be better?
Please do not assign duties to other organizations or their employees.
- See PlanLinks to an external site.: Questions to Ask and Answer
- In your Discussion post & the completed Audio PowerPoint, you must create responses to the three (3) questions for each section
- In order to answer the questions below, apply these Healthy People 2020 Tools
- Defining Terms: Vision, Goal, Objective, StrategyLinks to an external site.
- Potential Health Measures
- Setting Targets for Objectives
- Questions:
- What is our organization’s goal?
- What do we need to do to reach our goal? Who will do it (Which coalition member will perform which activities)?
- How will we know when we have reached our goal?
Now….(Mandatory step)
- Evaluate yourself using this MTP 3 ChecklistDownload MTP 3 Checklist
- Reply to your post with your evaluation of your responses to the questions for MTP3
- either post a copy of your completed checklist with brief comments on the checklist
- or, provide a narrative of your self-evaluation in the reply to yourself.
- Exemplar: Stronger Together PowerPointDownload Stronger Together PowerPoint
Consider using this Voluntary Support Option:
- Use the APA textbook listed in the Syllabus as additional resources or the APA Style websiteLinks to an external site..
- Submit the designated sections of your MTP to the West Writing Center (WWC), Brainfuse (BF), or the Distance Tutoring: Writing, Reading & Speech (DT) for their review of your Title page for correct APA format & the Description for proper academic writing.
- Due date for MTP 2: as per Weekly Course Calendar.
- Make sure you understand the MT HP2030 Grading Rubric for the project before submitting your WC material.
- Share the Tips for Effective PowerPoint Presentations Download Tips for Effective PowerPoint Presentationsdocument with the WC staff.
- Create & Keep an MTP Journal that includes the following:
- Name of WC/BF/DT staff that reviewed your submission
- Time & Date of the review
Supplemental resources:
- MTP 3 Checklist Download MTP 3 Checklistfor self-evaluation
- Contact Tech Support to obtain directions and assistance on creating an audio PowerPoint.