Subject: Mental Health & Couseling
As a culminating project for this course, you will develop an annotated teaching bibliography of at least 20 sources that would be useful to teaching about and addressing various mental health topics.
As a final project, you will develop an annotated teaching bibliography of at least 20 sources that would be useful to you in delivering classes and programs to support mental health. Five of the 20 sources can be from your article reviews. Another five can be from articles read as a part of reading assignments. Seven of the 20 sources can be lesson plans. You can also pick sources from this social emotional learning resource site
Sources may be either in-print or on line, provided they are reputable. If you are unsure how to determine whether an Internet site is reputable review the Quality Guidelines at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at
You must provide at least one source on the essential aspects of mental health listed below:
Emotional Health
Theories of Counseling and Mental Illness
Sexuality and Sexual Health
Motivational Interviewing
Personality and Psychological Development in Childhood & Adolescence
Sexual Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence
Depression and Anxiety
Coping Skills and Self-Help
Loss and Bereavement
Physical Illness on Mental Health
Grouping your sources by major topic theme will make your bibliography easier to use and evaluate.
For each source be sure to include:
A full citation in APA format.
A summary of the content provided by the source (two sentences in length).
An assessment of the source- what are its particular strengths and/or weaknesses, for which audiences would this source be most appropriate (two sentences in length)?