How does Jonny disrupt a (ONE) colonialist notion entwined with ideas of the ‘noble savage’?

Please have read the book Jonny Appleseed by Joshua whitehead.  Please stay focussed on events in the novel and make sure to be informed about what ideas about the ‘noble savage’ .

Use this references:
1) Ellingson, Ter. The Myth of the Noble Savage. Univ of California Press, 2001.
2) Lalonde, Jay. “I Am My Own Best Medicine”: Joshua Whitehead’s Jonny Appleseed and Two-Spirit Resurgence.
3) McLaurin, Virginia A. Stereotypes of Contemporary Native American Indian Characters in Recent Popular Media

Please base your argument in a focussed analysis of ONE thing in the novel.  Yes, it is important to keep the context of the entire novel in mind–but dig into one example with one clear argument. Please avoid thinking that simply pointing out that colonialism negatively impacted and continues to impact Canada’s First Nations is an insightful argument–we know this. That is an observation, not an argument. Take the time to make a specific and focussed argument about the novel and do you best to avoid repeating  romanticised or prelapsarian arguments (they may be well-meaning, but tend to lean toward being benevolent racist fetishizations). 

Pro Tips:

1) If it is relevant to your argument make sure you are aware of the difference between Two Spirit and Indigiqueer–they are not the same thing and cannot be collapsed. 

2) none of these prompts are directly connected to residential schools or MMIW in Canada. These are terrible and important colonial legacies, but they are not good places to ground arguments responding to these prompts.

3) When writing your assignment, please keep in mind that North America has numerous Indigenous Nations, Peoples, groups, cultures, histories, and traditions.  Not recognizing the cultural diversity of Indigenous Peoples in Canada–treating Indigenous Peoples as a homogeneous group– is factually inaccurate, culturally dismissive, and academically unacceptable.  There are over 600 bands and more than 2000 reserves and about a million Indigenous People in Canada–each has a distinct history and unique present. 

4) Please make certain that the research of your assignment (from both the novel and library sources) is accurate, and does not re-inscribe romantic/racist ideologies. 

This short (350-450 word) essay will be comprised of: a very concisely argued, and properly cited, argument brought together coherently and logically in a manner designed to convince your reader. It will include reference to at least three peer-reviewed academic texts (course reading list material and texts included in the prompt do not count for this tally). 

You will use MLA bibliographic style to cite all sources used.

An academic argument does not present the writer’s experiences, emotions, and values.

  • Explaining how you feel about the topic or your opinion and personal experience add nothing to an academic argument of this length.
  • Avoid the use of ‘I’ ‘my’ or ‘we’. The use of ‘one’ tends to appear stilted and should also be avoided. Find a way to rework your sentences and avoid these terms. TAKE THE TIME TO EDIT.

An academic argument does not assume that your reader agrees with you.

  • The purpose of argument is to change people’s points of view or to persuade.
  • You must convince your reader—by using specific, relevant, and accurate examples and evidence.
  • Use peer-review journal articles or books to support your argument.

An Academic argument will be tightly focused

  • In this case, offer ONE coherent line of argument; do not argue a constellation of points.
  • Assume evidence needs to be ‘framed’ and is not self-explanatory.
    • Do not assume that your reader will draw the same conclusions as you have from the evidence; you need to make your deductions and conclusions clear—NOT left as implied.

The assignment will be written:

  • Following standard essay format of introduction, body, conclusion.  Thesis statement is the final sentence of first paragraph.
  • Not using informal language or personal opinions.
  • Recalling that the 350-450 words are to be 350-450 of your argument–not a patchwork of disconnected ‘evidence’.
  • Make sure your argument:
  • Is clear—not meandering, not assuming ‘everyone knows’, not dependent upon assumptions or reliant upon anything you have not written to your reader.
  • Is not making a generally-agreed upon observation. It might be correct, but to be a thesis statement, has to be something that an intelligent person who has read the book might not agree with
  • Is easily read and understood—clarity and coherence is key. 
  • Makes logical sense—follows common sense–and is rhetorically convincing
  • Uses the best evidence—and cites it appropriately.

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