Individual reflective report based on your experience of studying the Strategic Management and
Leadership module. This report will typically be of 1,000-1,500 words and may include
references to academic literature and visual materials from the practical exercises that you
engaged in during tutorials. This report should demonstrate your skills in reflecting on the
learning experience. You should briefly discuss what you have gained from undertaking this
module and reflect on the various tasks during studying the subject. You should include
reflections on your learning experience during lectures/seminars/workshops and on your
studying independently during your time own in shaping your learning environment. A reflective
review report is not a purely theoretical consideration of what you have learnt during the module
but a narrative about how that learning relates to your current practice experience and/or a
discussion about possible implications of the knowledge for your future career. In that sense, it
should contain references within the literature related to the subject of Strategic Management
and Leadership. Importantly your reflections should critique the existing ideas and/or apply
them to your own context. State any assumptions you feel necessary to support your report