For this module, you will create an assignment that consists of the following two components:
Description of two assignments/learning experiences in the CJS major, one from when you began your major and one from when you were further along.
An essay with two components:
A reflective component, describing how your two assignments/learning experiences demonstrate your growth with respect to this learning outcome.
An analytical component critiquing and analyzing claims, data and knowledge about crime, law and justice systems.
*** All will be submitted at the same time through this assignment submission portal
1. Assignments/Learning experiences
Find and describe two of your previous assignments in the CJS major relative to PLO 4. You can choose from any of the courses that count towards the CJS major, though your required CJ-prefix courses are the best place to look. If there is something that shaped your learning, but you do not have an example of this in the form of an assignment, you can also describe this particular learning experience. In that case, be sure to provide detailed description of at least 2-3 course resources–lecture, reading, video, etc.
To begin consider the following questions:
What course did I first learn about critiquing and analyzing claims, data and knowledge about crime, law and justice systems?
What other courses have I learned about critiquing and analyzing claims, data and knowledge about crime, law and justice systems.
What course or assignment did I feel like I “nailed” my understanding of how to critiquing and analyzing claims, data and knowledge about crime, law and justice systems?
Return to your assignments from that class (you can usually find this on iLearn or Canvas in your previous semesters). Some examples of what you might include: discussion board posts, essays, presentations, slides, projects, podcasts, research papers, etc.
Choose two assignments:
An assignment from when you began your major courses that demonstrates your achievement of PLO 4.
An assignment from further along in your major courses that demonstrates your growth related to PLO 4.
Key is that it is an assignment that is original and created by YOU, an emerging expert in the field!
Describe these two assignments/learning experiences in 150-words
Describe the two assignments. What was the goal of the assignment, what was asked of you, how did you complete it, what did you deliver? What were the course resources you used (be sure to cite)?
Describe how each assignment reflects PLO 4
2. Reflective and Analytical Essay
Once you’ve chosen and described your assignments in 150 words each, you’ll write an 1,200 word essay containing:
A reflective component (400 words) that reflects your growth in PLO 4 and is structured as follows:
Compare and contrast the two assignments you provide to discuss:
How do the assignments/learning experiences differ from one another? How does the second example demonstrate growth over the first?
How has your major helped build your ability to analyze claims, data, and knowledge about crime, law, and justice system (achievement)?
How your analysis of claims, data, and knowledge about crime, law, and justice systems changed over time through your CJS coursework (growth)?
Now that you are close to graduating, how you would revise your assignments to reflect your growth?
An analytic component (800 words) that demonstrates your achievement of PLO 4 and is structured as followed:
Choose a source, such as a newspaper article, government document, or nonprofit report, that makes claims, provides data, or advances knowledge about the criminal justice system (at least 1 citation)
Describe the basis on which the source makes these claims, creates this data, or advances this knowledge
Critique and analyze what the source omits, does not account for, or obfuscates using 4 peer reviewed sources
Requirements for essay:
Use in-text citations (lecture, readings, videos, etc.) with correct citation format (APA)
Create a works cited at the end (this is not included in the word count) (APA format)