Students should construct a formal essay that includes an introductory paragraph with a thesis, a body of paragraphs supporting or exploring the thesis, and a conclusion. The essay should be comprised of 1,250 or more words; and, as indicated below, students will be responsible for revising their essays.
Essays must be typed in a highly legible font (fourteen-point font preferred), double spaced, and conform – in terms of form, grammar and style – to standard English. Students should provide a title for their essay, and they should provide their name at the top left-hand corner of their essay.
Unless students cite outside sources, no documentation is required, but should students chose to document outside sources, the style of the Modern Language Association (MLA) is preferred. Of course, if students quote from the reading selection, they should place that material inside of quotation marks. Quotation from the reading selection should be limited to one or two lines.
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